My honest opinion about cancel culture.

This community has had its fair share of ups and down, but the majority of their takes are just downright idiotic and makes me think that if they're even genuinely being serious. You can't make me think otherwise that the most of CC is just a bunch of snowflakes or overconfident feminists that don't know an ounce of why woman rights were established in the first place. 

Like seriously.. canceling a children's cartoon just because one of their characters happens to be a police officer? 
And what about that time where Nickelodeon celebrated pride month with that one drag queen. Oh boy did the people love that! 

 Like actually, what happened to people minding their own business and letting people live their lives. 
For my case, as long as its not my problem, I simply don't give a fuck. 

Thank you for reading.

3 Kudos


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