Hey there! The name's Morgan, the pen-name is Mevdik. Just an ordinary creature who does a little bit of everything, from music to drawing and web design, an eclectic artist of the Internet age, if you will.
I just arrived here at this wonderful website and I'm setting up shop at the moment, things are gonna be changing quick on my profile for a while as I customize it and get used to the flow of the site. Like many of us I came here seeking refuge from the turmoil of modern social media, thirsting for a new platform that would offer actual customization, css and all, and looking to meet cool people and make some Internet friends along the way.
I'm not so new to this side of the web, I've had a personal website on neocities for a few years and I'm working on a redesign for it at the moment, as the current version is awfully out of date. But given my age (born in '98) I never got to experience the golden days of MySpace or similar sites, it is only now in my mid 20s that I've gained a passion for this kind of stuff: a revival of the old web.
So here I am, writing this blog with my silly little paws. Let's see where this takes us.
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Welcome to Spacehey!
Thank you! :3
by Mevdik; ; Report