ive had an interest in linux for a while, but for various reasons (not liking the default theme/gui wrapper in the distros ive tried, frustration in trying to change it, my personal distaste for gimp and lack of good alternatives for graphic design and music production hurting my attempts to get into it) ive struggled to properly dive into it to find if i can actually like it more than windows or os x. personally, i think i have too much reliance on win/apple to ever fully jump on board the linux train, but if someone can make a distro that has both openstep-inspired interfact by default And i figure out wine for working in photoshop and ableton then ill probably jump on board.
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ive had an interest in linux for a while, but for various reasons (not liking the default theme/gui wrapper in the distros ive tried, frustration in trying to change it, my personal distaste for gimp and lack of good alternatives for graphic design and music production hurting my attempts to get into it) ive struggled to properly dive into it to find if i can actually like it more than windows or os x. personally, i think i have too much reliance on win/apple to ever fully jump on board the linux train, but if someone can make a distro that has both openstep-inspired interfact by default And i figure out wine for working in photoshop and ableton then ill probably jump on board.
I use it everyday it's my only OS.
by 2xyz4; ; Report