These 3 kids in my school can be so annoying sometimes. This one girl she's like kiiiiiiinnnndddddaaaaaa my friend but not really, and even though we aren't friends she'll tease me about random stuff (one time I had a jacket on and it has some like threading on it and she kept on teasing me about it being inside out, even when it clearly wasn't because the pockets were on the "inside out" side.) And this dude who's her friend also like teases me and can be really annoying. And then the last guy. I have band and am in percussion and he sits there next me. I'm not sure if he speaks English or understands it but what I do know is that he's ALWAYS TALKING in Spanish to another girl next to me. And actually yesterday he BROKE A 'drum' (it's not really a drum I think it's called a pad, not sure though) because he was messing with it. Also in band my teacher is making me do a different instrument besides the snare drum </3 anyways I miss my best friend he's a grade above me and I don't have any classes with him nor lunch

I hate my school
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