like.. idk how to explain it
i used to LOVE drawing and writing and fashion but now I just feel like.. i don't wanna do that stuff anymore
which SUCKS because its something I wanna keep pressuring as like a career but you cant make something you don't DO a career..
i just feel like I'm wasting my time not doing the stuff that I actually wanna do while my friends r still so creative
everyone tells me its just burnout but if burnout keeps lasting THIS long I'm not gonna be as skilled as I need to be to yk... make this my job??
'burn out can last YEARS!' DONT PLAY WITH ME BC I WILL KMS.
i just wish I could create like I used to and have fun doing it, now Im just too tired
drawing is the only thing I wanna do but I just cant bring myself to do it. like I put the paper in front of me and still I just cant draw for shit, and my ideas r ASS.
I've spent too much of my life doing art just to stop forever? or just for all my creativity to go away??
anyone know why this shit happens?

anyone else lost the motivation to create lately
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I often have the same issue with creative outlets that I enjoy. If anything I have major problems with starting and finishing creative projects, that make me feel even shittier for having not finished the things I make, making me question if I even like these things or not. So you're not alone in your worries but don't force it; the things you genuinely want to do or make will come naturally. I hope this helps!
This did actually help me thank you so much
I hope it comes back soon bc I really do love art, and I hope art goes well for u too!
by IZZAK; ; Report