You have entered the KITCHEN ROOM, there is a pr0blem. a child appears, he's holding a iPad. he is watching lankybox.
Administrator turn on the oven and burn the kitchen.
You do that. after waiting 1 hour, the oven ignites. ugh looks like the iPad kid is still watching and blocking the place, You then climb up a vent and climb towards the principals office.
you fall into a classroom after crawling for 30 minutes you noticed that most of the children are hiding in this classroom, every, single, ONE.
Kill them all.
you then shoot 27 kids, out of 3000. this is going to take a while isn't it?
Administrator open the door.
The door has been opened, You enter a hallway full of rooms, at the end of the hallway is the principals office, but there are traps in there. Because you are the number one most wanted 15 year old in AMERICA!
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