Favourite bug?

To anyone who sees this, what's your favourite bug? I wanna research some neat bugs 'v'

I don't know a bunch of bugs but I like looking at the Eastern lubber grasshoppers in my yard!

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Criss's profile picture

I have a fear of bugs besides Luna Moths or Rosemary Maple Moths! They're sooo pretty!!

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Frost-Bite's profile picture

green lacewing you keep them in your house yaay

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OMG i looked them up and they're the cutest little guys I've ever seen!! Their eyes are so cute, and i see where they get the name :)

by ethanluvs2party; ; Report

yeah and I like them so much because I read about them being good to have in your house, I can't find the article I read originally but it was straight up saying you can go and get green lacewing eggs and hook them up with a spot and just keep them around which made me so excited. I learned about them because I found their eggs on the surface of my window, their eggs are attached to a small silk thread usually on leaves, and it was at the same time I learned brown marmorated stinkbugs are invasive which I commonly find in my house so friendship ended with brown marmorated stinkbug green lacewing is my new best friend

by Frost-Bite; ; Report