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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

why do 4chan alt right people invade indie web spaces

istg i'll be scrolling thru the most innocuous forum and click someone's link to a '''''cool site'''''' only to take instant psychic damage from people screaming "KEEEEEEEEK I HATE MINORITIES KEEEEK KEEEK KEEEK", included is a 1000 page thread dedicated to harrassing some 12yo furry on deviantart

these people are a virus

2 Kudos


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vvr's profile picture

i think it's a mix of two things as to why alt-right seem to invade small spaces like this a lot: firstly, and this is the hopeful reason, but they also have a lot of nostalgia. like, one could argue that conservatism in general is based upon a form of nostalgia, whether genuine or distorted. however, i think the more likely reason is that smaller spaces (especially for video-based sites, hello bitview vidlii) will have less moderation and thus it will be easier to overtake. im not saying itll ever be the case here, but i can certainly say thats the reason for plenty of other smaller spaces. this is also why a lot of imageboards tend to lean right (imageboards tend to have little-to-no-moderation, which the little moderation often being there either to make sure no one out right breaks the law in such a way the site gets taken down or to take down posts entirely out of personal interest, for funny or yikes).

apologies if this message is rambley or hard to read btw, but i hope its of use for understanding this as a social trend.

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John Horne

John Horne 's profile picture

I mean.... tbf Space hey is kinda a middle-ground between the wild west of old web (which 4chan has never really left behind) while still having some moderation. so it makes sense they would come here. especially if they hate the mainstream.

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AlphaTheChaotix's profile picture

Dude, I remember when being younger and being into gacha, I would go into discord servers to meet other kids that are also into gacha and get jump scared by gore

I wouldn't be surprised if was some 4chan loser tbh

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