HeavenlyAbomination's profile picture

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Category: Life

Profile rules

Generally don't be odd,, it's obvious

- neopronouns are valid

- being queer and calling others queer slurs is still derogatory

- 'jokes' like "i'm going to touch you" aren't okay.

- VERY sexual jokes. like, we're/im not an adult?? Also, people younger than me sexualizing themselves. it makes me uncomfortable.

- k y s 'jokes' aren't okay.

- Fat jokes aint funny

- people 3+ years older/younger than me, do not personally friend me. I am 16 for reference.

- constantly saying you want to d13 without context is distressing.

NOTE = I will bring things up if it bothers me, and usually things don't. I've seen others make these too and just wanted to make my own.

Otherwise hello!! ^^

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