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Category: Blogging


the 21st was my school's homecoming! me and my boyfriend both wore blue to symbolize our two favorite blue albums, which are Hit Me Hard & Soft by Billie Eilish, and Fallen by Evanescence! I was Fallen, so I tried to do make-up similar to amy lee's on the album cover and also similar to other Fallen make-up looks i've seen online, and tbh....i think i slayed. i looked hella emo (which i mean in a good way) and the make-up made me feel really confident!

(picture of me with my 20th anniversary fallen vinyl)

that's all for right now! i sadly got grounded (yes, AGAIN.) for making out with my boyfriend at the dance, but when i get my phone back i promise post some of the really awesome pics i took of me and my friends at the dance, as well as pics of my full homecoming outfit! bye ya'll. :D

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