Relationship stats
2 interests
1 maybe interested in me
going to homecoming with silly fella
Recently i had the realization that during a relationship the 2 partners dont need to constantly be talking, because there just ISNT anything to say, since last post i saw The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower(loved it simply put) and there was a bit in there abt the main character and his partner always calling even immediatly after coming home from school- this made me realize that despite what i'd thought(regardless of it being a part of culture kinda), partners dont need to talk all day.
During my first relationship- towards the end of it, we stopped talking ALL day everyday and I thought that was sign of the end, among other things. Knowing this now though, makes me optimistic for future relationships, this brings me to my next point
potential relationships
fella 1 ive known since 4th grade, shes really cool, not too much in common but amazing person(chance of us working out but not sure)
fella 2 ive known since maybe 6th or 7th grade, SUPER cool fella, we like alot of the same music, can relate on a lot a lot of topics and recently have been really close, theres fair-good chance of us working out
regardless of if i think it would work out with either, theyre my friends and i dont know if id wanna ruin our friendship with such a big risk
homecoming is coming up soon and this will be my first time going (junior), pray for me guys
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I don't have many tips since I haven't had any relationships at all in high-school. Regardless, I hope it goes well. 👍
tysm !!!!!!!
by CaffeLatteBirb; ; Report