Woah hey sorry for not being active I've been making scultures in my kitchen lolz
You are allowed to call me elitist or whatever for it, but when I was younger I found it alot easier to make freinds with other alternative people because 1. It wasn't cool 2. Because it wasn't cool, we usually had more things in common 3. THEY WERENT AS MEAN?? Now I'm in college and almost everyone is in a alternative subculture and I feel intimidated to even talk to them because how they talk about other alternative people is fucking terrible.
ALSO some of them who claim to be 'emo' are the worst of them
Idk maybe it's because I understand social norms and people more now that I'm adult but I just miss when it was so easy to make alternative friends and we didn't secretly h8 each other
Sorry for yapping. School sux rn.
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thats so truee
i have met so many people in the last few years that claim to be goth or emo but i think theyre just doing it cuz they like the outfits n cuz "being alt is cool" now- cuz liek they are friends of a friend so i follow them on insta and uh- im p sure theyre not rlly alt ToT i also feel like they dislike me for some reason, ive tried being friends with them, didnt work- they literally ghost me
and also liek, when the wednesday series were released ToT and everyone started dressing like her and calling themselves goth ToT it was so ridiculous ToT
pre 2020 was much eaiser, i felt people had more passion and true authenticity toward their love for the music.
honestly i see it as being fake alt. because basics wanna steal everything-
Also, u can always tell if someone is truly alt, emo, scene or goth by how they behave. being a poser is a thing and there are so many now. i also miss when it wasnt popular or cool cuz the community was so much better.
OK SO ITS NOT JUST ME?? I Will admit I wasn't alt my entire life (I got bullied out of it) but I didn't get back into it bc it was trendy, it's because I finally felt comfortable enough to dress how I want.
But yk basics have to ruin shit
by _kotakarnage_; ; Report
no i get what u mean lol xD
i was also bullied quite a bit, but i grew up with very alt/emo/punk parents so its just always been my comfort.
So the posers get to me personally :'D
by rabbitparty; ; Report