SealifeSystem's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

SealifeSystem's Alters!

Alters will be added or removed as neccesary

We have like.. 100+ alters, so this is just a vague list with the notable ones

(we are NOT including littles and specific alters on this list for privacy reasons)

Sorted by alphabet

Bolded are hosts/cohosts

??? | Question Marks - He | They - GayPolyam

Aquarius - Any | All - Arospec| Acespec |PanGenderfluid

Aradia - She | It - DemiroPanPolyamDemigirl

Cherry | Red - He | It | They - ArofluxDemisexPanPolyamBigender

Cipher - He | Him - GayPolyamAgender

Clover | Jack - He | They - DemiroAcePolyam

Cro - It | He - ArofluxDemisexBiPolyam

Cronus - He | It | They - DemiroDemisexPanPolyam

Dave - He | Him - PanPolyamTransfem

Davesprite | Crow - He | Him - AroAcePolyam

Demon - He | It - BiAgender

Dirk - He | They | It - GayTransfem

Emo - He | It - BiPolyamDemiboy

Error - It | He | They - BiPolyam

Floyd - They | He | It - DemisexGayPolyamDemiboy

Ink - He | It | They - AceGayDemigender

Jazzy - She | They | He - BiTransfem

Jimmy - He | Him - GayPolyam

John - He | They | It - DemiroDemisex

June - They | He | She | It - BiPolyamNonbinary

Kai - He | They | She - GayPolyamBigender

Kankri - It | He - GraysexGrayroBiAgenderPolyam

Karkat - He | They - GayPolyam

Michael | Beau - He | Him - Bi

Narrator - He | Him - GayAgender

Nepeta - She | He - Bi

Neptune - Any | All - ArofluxDemisexOmniPolyam

Oliver - He | Him - GayPolyam

Pluto | Uranus - He | It | She - AroPanPolyamNonbinary

Porrim - She | He - DemiroPanPolyamBigender

Reqqut - He | It - DemisexPan

Sealife - It | They - PolyGenderflux

Violet - He | It | They - PanPolyamBigender

Xelmut - He | It | She - PanPangender

Credits: Pixel Pride Flags

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