Showing off my lab!

Hello hello! I figured I would submit my first blog here by showing you all my basement laboratory. I've been spending the past half year or so gathering supplies to make my room! And with Halloween just around the corner, you know I've been eating good!!!

Besides decorum, I also have surgical tools, pipettes, and syringes, as well as an outfit to tie everything together. If you guys are intrigued then I might just show off my attire as well (though I am still waiting for my star goggles to arrive)!

It's probably strange for me to collect so much mad scientist stuff for nobody's eyes but my own, but yk, if it makes me happy then it makes me happy. Plus I'm just ultimately a strange person, so it checks out. If anyone else has the same mad scientist fascination that I do, I would honestly love to hear about it, since I've pretty much made it into my main aesthetic nowadays.

^ sorry this one is so dark, I wasn't entirely sure how to brighten it without it looking like hot garbage

3 Kudos


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Kitztuffz's profile picture

Dude, your space looks awesome!!! I hope to eventually decorate my own room as cool as that! Do you plan on adding any lil skeleton animals to the room, like a lil rat? I've seen skeleton fish and stuff, you could get a jar/bowl and make it look like it's floating/swimming on your desk, like an experiment pet!
Either way, it looks awesome! I hope to see more of your blogs!

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Oh that's such a cool idea! I do have something similar to that, it's a figure I got at Off The Wall a few years ago, so maybe I could look for more the next time I go there

by ᐯᗴᖇ丅Ꭵɢ૦; ; Report

Chaos Conspiracies

Chaos Conspiracies's profile picture

i love the signs!

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Ty ty! I actually got them off of Amazon, if I remember correctly. They're supposed to be for parties but I don't really have those lmao

by ᐯᗴᖇ丅Ꭵɢ૦; ; Report

i dont have any parties either

by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report