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Category: Life

joe biden spotted at the back of spencers

Every time i feel like writing some purple prose’d joe biden x donald trump i’m cockblocked by the passage of time. It’s 1:00 am…. God damn it. I’ve been thinking about writing for DAYS. It’s because my public speaking professor made all of us watch the presidential debate over a zoom call. It was funny as shit, and it was also kind of soulcrushing that This is the best that america can muster. At least the funny orange guy got his ass kicked. He brought up joe SO many times. Come on. It’s time to move on, pal. He’s over you….  I was inspired to write a couple of paragraphs on my interpretation of what donald trump would do after the debate, and I uploaded it onto the zoomchat during the 5 minute break our teacher gave us. It was very well received by my classmates. Then i made a kismesis joke and only two people out of the fifty in there got it. Both of their reactions were ones of abject horror. It was pretty funny. There’s a bus stop i often walk past that someone drew nepeta onto with a paint marker. There are stragglers out there… i just need to find them… 

Speaking of buddies. I think i mentioned this before but i’m making a lot of friends here. It’s pretty great. I love being around people who make me feel like I can be myself. I’m feeling more confident! This morning the dude across from me in my design class is stole my coffee and held it for chip ransom. I need that shit to live, so I caved and offered up a fistful of my cherished salt and vinegar pringles. I don’t think he expected that, so he laughed, said he was just joking, gave me back my coffee. I just gave him the chips anyways. And then spent the rest of the free time we had before class started sharing the rest of them with my friends. I love my design class. Everyone in there is super nice. And super cool. Sometimes I feel like they’re too cool for me, but then i remember i’m awesome too. AND my best friends and girlfriend like me. maybe i’m the one whose too cool for THEM. There’s more stuff I want to say, but it’s late. Good night! 

4 Kudos


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