huge blog post but ngl fuck the boycotts like im not gonna starve myself to death because i have to boycott every store i can shop at?? you want more poeple to die for a single county?? yeah fuck no, your insane if you think im gonna do that LMAO, and celeberties/influcers can shut up and not talk about politics or drama yall just sound like "Yap yap yap annoying ass bitches" like no oneĀ cares for your opinion bethany the influcener, you all are problematic in some way but dont wanna accept it btw!! just become your true self and say your insane hot takes who cares this is the internet, make an alt account or something!! also everyone is a comshipper, name all your "strange" ships in the replies if you want, i will name every each one that is a comship, its just complex ship so suck it up losers, also if you got cheated on you probaly deserved it XDD also if your anti-proship/proshippers dni then dont go on ao3 you dipshits your so fucking stupid ao3 is made for and by proshippers your so stupid if you use it

welcome back to hearing me being insane
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