I dunno (vent???)

I always see people who need friends and I want everyone to be happy and not lonely but I also have mental issues myself. I feel like it would be too much to try and help others and their issues, but it also makes me feel like I'm a monster for not helping people when I can. 

I dunno really all I know is that if you do need someone, I am right here for you to talk too I just feel worried that my own mental health will be hurt if I do, cause I'll worry about them, but I'll feel like shit if I don't let myself be a safe space. 

Man I dunno what I'm trya get at, if ya need someone to talk to, I'm here

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Payton's profile picture

that is very kind of you to be thoughtful and caring of others. i also feel the same, i really want to care for others even if im not feeling the best. btw ur profile is super cute!

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by Duckie (✪ヮ✪); ; Report