The New California Republic (NCR) is a post-War federal republic founded in New California in 2189, comprised at its peak of five contiguous states located in southern California,[8][5] with additional territorial holdings in northern California,[17][18] Oregon,[19] Nevada,[20][21], Arizona and northern Mexico.[22]. Initially without a capital city, Shady Sands became the nation's first capital in 2198, twelve years after the trial council was formed and two years into Tandi's presidency, priding itself on being the first capital of the New California Republic.[6]
Officially, the New California Republic stands for democracy, personal liberty and rule of law,[13] these values have been upheld unevently both within and without. While many NCR citizens greatly benefited from the republic’s expansion, it has also engaged in expanionism and imperialism, both to acquire resources and "civilize" or pacify border regions. After the death of Tandi, these policies intensified, with the Mojave Campaign and general conduct of the NCR drawing criticism and accusations of corruption and militarism. Criticism within was limited to a vocal minority,[23] and the NCR broke ties with the Followers over their opposition to the campaign, forming the OSI instead. While theorized to be death of the New California Republic, it wasn't the Mojave that broke the NCR; following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Shady Sands, its first capital, was destroyed by a nuclear device in 2283,[24] resulting in a retreat from New California. In 2296, the last known organized military unit in the Los Angeles Boneyard, operating out of Griffith Observatory and led by Lee Moldaver, was wiped out in a battle with the Brotherhood of Steel, aiming to seize Moldaver’s cold fusion technology.[25]
The New California Republic was first mentioned in the endings for Fallout, and grew to become a major faction in two subsequent games focusing on geopolitical struggles; in Fallout 2 it faces New Reno and Vault City in the competition for control over the northern half of California, while in Fallout: New Vegas, it faces the Caesar's Legion in a titanic struggle for control over the Mojave and the future of the American Southwest which, according to some, can be described as the single greatest geopolitical conflict since the Great War.[26][27] The NCR plays a significant role in the Fallout TV series, where the fall of Shady Sands and subsequent loss of NCR power in Los Angeles is a pivotal element of the storyline, also giving the Brotherhood of Steel the upper hand in the Brotherhood War.
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