My 15th birthday is in a little over a month and I have no friends or family who want to even sit down, and talk to me. I don’t even think they want to tell me happy birthday. Ever since my 12th birthday it seems like nobody cares about my birthday and then feels like I should drop everything to celebrate theirs. I’m not saying they should drop everything or that my birthday is oh so important, but it just seems like after I turned 12 everyone started to hate me, and I don’t even like to think about the fact that my birthday just has to come every single year. I also don’t understand how if nobody can drop what they’re doing to even tell me happy birthday then why should I do the same for you? I mean, out of the kindness, and love in my heart I’ll do it for them but it’s just a rude thing to expect if you express such disinterest in someone else’s birthday. It’s not just my birthday that people do this, but since it’s close I thought it would be the best example. Sorry for the long read.🫶🏾💕

My birthday (kind of a rant)
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You don't owe anyone kindness if they do not show decency to you. Never forget and feel like you have to be nice to that kind of people. It will get better in time though i can feel that. Btw when is your birthday??
My birthday is November 4th, and I know I don’t owe them anything it js feels so wrong to be mean to people I love and care for… idk it’s weird.
by Maeren; ; Report
you share the same birthday as my best friend!! hope you have the loveliest birthday ever, and you will get used to not being so nice. you dont have to be mean you just need to return the energy!!!
by mei; ; Report
Yeah true. Okay. Thank you for your advice 🫶🏾💕
by Maeren; ; Report