I am currently in my first semester of college, and I am a first time college student. I literally fucked my self over already dude. I had such a good deal with a Pell Grant but my dumbass decided to agree to do this semester with accelerated courses. I am about to finish my first one with an F. I am freaking tf out and scrambling to try to get a late withdrawal, though I know it's more than likely too late for it. My mom, dad, and step mom told me it's not the end of the world BUT IT KIND OF ISSSSSS my dad went thru a lot of different stuff for me to get this Pell Grant, I really do not want him to have to pay for this class or for this situation to drop me out of the financial aid benefit stuff. I don't know why I agreed to the accelerated courses. My dad told me this first year of college was going to be just like high school, which is I think why I underestimated the classes and agreed with him to do the fast paced classes :P
I really Really REALLY wish I could just start over and do this semester with normal fucking classes. But obviously I can't really go back and do that. I'm freaking out, going in and out of a panic attack. The stupid fucking late withdrawal form makes no fucking sense so I gotta call the school abt it and listen to them get annoyed at my idiocy.
I will 100% be taking this as a learning lesson. I am just so fucking mad at myself. This was so easily avoidable. I think I'm mainly mad about why I'm failing. I'm taking English 101 btw. We had to turn in an exploration essay. I was actually decently proud of it, along with that we had peer review and one person literally had no critiques and they thought the whole thing was good, but the other person said I should go a little more in depth with my personal experiences - but besides that they said it was a great essay. I TURN IN THE FUCKING ESSAY AND I GOT AN 86 OUT OF 200. AND THE ONYL FUCKING CRITIQUE IS THAT MY TEACHER PUT IS THAT I SHOULD GO MORE IN DEOTH ABOUT MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. Like bro I'm sorry, but is that one detail enough to give me a 40% on the assignment..... or is my teacher just insane. I'm leaning more towards the latter. It's super late in the class, my last assignment literally due on October 2nd, so hopefully I can get late withdraw, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
update my teacher i think did a typo cause i just got an email saying the grade was updated to a 172/200 WE ARE SOOOO BACK I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!! i already emailed her about withdrawing with like a heartfelt story so its gonna kinda be embarrassing to dismiss that somehow.. BUTTTT now i have a 70% instead of 53%, which isnt great BUT this class sucked literal buns and i just wanna get out of it with a passing grade.
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