Is this BPD or some other sort of thing

Throughout my whole life I had really really strong attachments to two people. I had them as friends, but I acted way too creepy towards them by accident, cause I’ve always been told to “show my feelings” or something (thanks ex gf 🙄) 

At some point during my first “favorite person” moment, I literally actually believed that she, this person, is literal GOD??? I am not fucking joking right now and it actually scared me

After she left me cause I was oversharing… I SH myself and now I have a scar of 2 years. I know that person for almost half a year only. Honestly she had control over my fucking LIFE ?? 

Now with my mood: I don’t really think I have the mood swing of a person w BPD though, I guess. But I can say that now I’m getting more impatient and angrier… more stress.. etc. I think it’s just the FP thing.

I have a (sort of) gf now, and I would literally change my mood really fast and it would be also unexpected at some point. Such as screaming at her and then suddenly thinking everything is sunshine and rainbows. 

I don’t think I have to say this here 

Im sorry I’m annoying

0 Kudos


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