days like these are so boring. I don't have school today because of something the teachers had to do. from what I heard, it was just a bunch of meetings and work crap. so I'm stuck in my house all day with nothing to do. I don't even work today either, since I thought one of my friends would be able to hang out, but one of them is sick and the other one is busy.
days like these feel like summer, the way I had absolutely nothing to do for the whole month of June. literally half of this summer was me just sitting around my house, losing my mind because I so desperately wanted to go somewhere. the only places I went in June was a birthday party (one for a girl I'm not even friends with anymore) and Walmart. except at the end of June I did go to my grandparents' for a week.
what I'm trying to say is i'd rather be at school than moping around at home. because at school there's at least something to do, and you're surrounded by your friends. I guess on the flip side, I can consider this a "mental health day" since those are a pretty big deal for me. even though my idea of a mental health day is just playing video games and sleeping for prolonged hours of the day, which doesn't really seem to improve my mental state whatsoever. hell, nothing in the fridge right now sounds remotely appetizing. not even chicken nuggets.
I think I might just go back to bed or something, I didn't even stay up late either, I just want to dream.
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i mean sitting at home all day is kinda boring but personally, waking up at 7 and going school is just soo tiring, i guess i like neither school nor being at home
I totally understand that. I'd rather be in the middle of hot topic wasting my money on more jackets
by Cj :P; ; Report