TW: murd3r attempt, suff0cation
I know I sound very click baity making two parts, but I had to since the first one was getting way too long. Back to the og points.
If your new to this part of the blog entry this is about my 9 year old cousin who ill be calling weirdo, and my other two year old cousin who ill be calling baby
5. So onto another serious topic, from the house party mentioned in my previous blog, when we were coming back from it, Baby came to me willingly in the front seat of the car, and this pissed him off BAD. He started yelling swears at her, calling her "B1tch baby" and said he was going to hit her and break her neck, and he doesn't care if she gets hurt.
6. The final topic. This is the most serious topic. Please PLEASE PLEASE if you are sensitive to murder, and graphic depictions of a body, do not read further. I'll go on now. This was back when baby was 1 years old. Not in the country I'm living in right now, but in baby and weirdo's home country, but her mom described this to me. Baby and her mom visited Weirdo and his mom and dad, and suddenly, baby went missing. This wouldn't be weird, since kids her age roam around, since they just learned how to crawl and stuff. What's weird is that baby never leaves her mom. Ever. She will scream, and cry hysterically if somebody tries to take her away from her mom. Meaning somebody took her away by force. Her mom ran around the house, literally screaming and crying and begging everybody to tell her where her daughter is, and finally a stranger came and told her "Do you mean that baby that the boy was putting in the CLOSET?" And when they unlocked the closet, the found her unconscious body in a closet compartment, she was contorted into a inhuman position, nearly breaking her leg, and blue from suffocation. 2 more minutes, and this 1 year old baby would be dead. He did that to her. He laughed when her mother was crying while searching for her. I am going to gag. What the hell.
I mentioned this in one of my previous blogs too, my "friend" knowing all of these things, s3xu4l1zed this. She made "what if" scenarios I which they get married just because her parents had a age gap too. She continued making "what if" scenarios in which they fall in love. To put their age gap in perspective she will be 12 when he will be 19. But that isn't the problem. My parents have an age gap too. The problem is that this sociopath has tried to murder baby. The problem is he "loves" her while she is still a baby. (I've seen him kiss her around the mouth before, and I aggressively pushed him away for good reasons obvi) this is SO GROSS. I can't make this shi up.
Anyways, I hope you all will help me out. If some of you guys didn't understand, read the first part idk, and pls help me out I really don't want baby to end up in a bad situation she is a baby and she is like a sister to me. Pls help.
Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
oh my god?? i hope the kid can get some help,, this is horrific
this is so sad. i genuinely hope he gets some kind of mental help bc hes obviously not okay. and also maybe even the parents need mental help too, seeing that u replied to the other comment and u said that the parents didnt see anything wrong w their obviously mental unwell child
Chaos Conspiracies
u need 2 call the police they deal with dat stuff
We would 100%, we've tried everything to the point of putting him an actual ASYLUM. The police said he's too young and they don't have solid evidence that harmful nature was present, and his parents don't think anything is wrong with this sociopathic excuse of a kid. It's rly sad tbh :(
by AC1D_R41N!; ; Report
usualy they wud do sumthing if theres evidence which u need 2 prove
by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report