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Category: Life

My cousin is a child diddler

TW: P3d0ph1lia, 4ssault, Gr00ming

This is gonna be more of a serious topic so I'm gonna try and be serious too.

Yesh that is titled correctly btw my cousin is a child toucher, and I won't say the word. He is 9 years old, and please hear me out, I am really scared for my cousin's safety. I have two cousins, let's name one of them Weirdo (9 years old)  and the other baby (2 years old). Both of these are my cousins from abroad and visit for vacations. Now, weirdo has a mother that is a Gr00mer, first of all, she watches 18+ rom-coms with him (he's 9 years old btw), and weirdo learns kickboxing and beats up kids in his school, and his mother supports this openly. Like she praises and rewards him. I know I sound like I'm joking, but I genuinely need advice, please take whatever i am about to say in this blog seriously :( weirdo has a crush on baby (who just turned 2 years old) he has never openly said he has a crush on her, but we all know, and we are all grossed out by it. Imma liist these incidents.

1. His mom suggested baby becomes his girlfriend... im gonna repeat this many times from here on out, but she's two years old. She turned two recently.

2. We went to a cousin's house for a family reunion. In this house, I have three cousins, one of them is a 7 year old boy, he has alot of these toy cars, that can fit a person, and because baby is very uncomfortable in loud places, since she is a baby after all, we let her play in these toy cars. It was going well until weirdo sat down in the car and forcefully made baby sit on his lap, he started driving into walls and the rest of us cousins, and the steering wheel of the you car was jamming into baby's ribs, and she was clearly cramped. We told him to gtfo, he said no, and his mom said "baby likes weirdo (lolz that sounded so goofy), if she was in pain she'd get out by now." Me and my cousin told her that she's a baby and doesn't know any better for herself, and she is cramped. His mom literally had the audacity to glare at us and tell us that we're incredibly rude for blaming weirdo. 

3. If it wasn't bad by then, it gets worse by now. If you want to skip to my main point, just read the final point. He took her to his room by shaking lollipops in front of her to try and lure her to his room, and ofc, she's a baby, she doesn't know any better about herself, she followed him to his room, her mom specifically asked me to watch out for baby and make sure she doesn't get hurt with him, since he has a tendency to play with her aggressively, and once hurt baby so badly on the head that she would cry whenever we touched it for the next 2 days. So I followed him into this room. He suddenly turned the lights off, and I heard baby crying. Then I heard sounds of running around his room, and then little hands like, pulling on my clothes. I instantly picked her up and she was clinging onto me and WAILING. Like full on screaming, in the back I heard weirdo laughing. I instantly turned the lights on and shouted at him, and he replied with something that disgusted me so badly I could never leave him with her again, he said "She liked it! She enjoyed it!" 

This is getting a bit long so pls read the second part

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cleo!!'s profile picture

call cps woah??

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also he needs to get therapy or some kind of professional help

by cleo!!; ; Report

Chaos Conspiracies

Chaos Conspiracies's profile picture

call police?

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