ive been really meaning to start a band for a while now but i suck at guitar and im not sure if my singing voice is any good. the main reason why i wanna start a band, however, is because i really want to make a change in the world. i feel like my music can help those who are struggling and provide them with a sense of hope that everything is gonna be okay despite what life throws at them. i love love love writing and ive already written a couple of songs. heck, i even got my own song stuck in my head. since music has always been a coping mechanism for me, i want my music to also have that same effect for other people out there, or if they just wanna jam along. i dont know, call me crazy, but this is probably my biggest dream and i feel like it's the only thing going for me right now. i want to be able to reach out to people and i also have really strong morals and a certain perspective on everything thats going on in the world that id like to share with people my age and other generations before and after me. maybe i sound crazy, but you only live once. plus, i dont think i wanna spend my life working in a cubicle in an office nine hours a day. id rather make memories doing something that i love and helping out other people through my music and whatever else i chose to do.
feel free to comment your thoughts! this is just me going on a little ranting tangent
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don't let not knowing how to play guitar stop you; if you start now and keep practicing, you'll get to the point where you CAN play guitar and your dreams will be even more attainable. good luck!! you can do it!
freakicokris ☆ | FREE VENEZUELA 🇻🇪🕊️
honestly, i feel u
maybe the songs i write aren't the most life changing pieces of art, but i know that if there's someone that could relate with the songs i write that express how i feel, it could comfort them as much my favourite artists songs comfort me
i want to be an artist because i love music and how it makes me feel and i want people to love my music just as how i love other people music
but i'm stuck and i know i'm just stuck because i decide to keep stuck, because i'm afraid to take a step further
i don't know, sorry for ranting on ur comment section lol
You are clearly passionate about music, which is genuinely the most important thing!!! do it, we will be ur fans☆
u should totally do it even if ur not as good as u wanna be ur music well 100% matter to some if u put ur heart in to it
Chaos Conspiracies
take a chance n do it otherwise ud regret not doing it