okay so ive been waiting for this movie to come out ever since like a few days since the first two trailers came out- it was such perfect timing since a month ago, a classmate encouraged me to give transformers a try n my god am i pissed at myself for getting into this so late. i waited 16 yrs to finally give TF a try, im so !)(*@^$%^#
anyways it was the best decision i made n after binge watching the movies in chronological order for like 2 days (currently of writing this [9/28/2024] im at dark of the moon) i was searching around what cartoons i should watch after the movies, i stumbled upon the official channel n while i was done picking two shows i wanted to watch (that being R.I.D and prime n soon after earthspark,, n for rn maybe cyberverse- i mean honestly im probably going to watch all TF media bc im hooked) two things stood out to me: one theres actually TF day (which yes i did celebrate on the 17th) n second the MOVIE TRAILER! i was PUMPED! it felt like the stars aligned bc im a new TF fan n right at the moment i knew i was staying in the fandom- a new movie is coming out?! score!! (the bumblebee movie is my favorite)
so yeah, im mfking excited, i got my bumblebee closet cosplay (bc hes my favorite char, which is pretty obvious) n i did think or i wouldve gotten yellow horns or bee antennas to match more but in the trailers, bee's design doesnt have that,, n im kinda embarrassed to ask for them (even tho writing this rn, its making me want them more)
this movie better b worth it- n i want myself to quote this n prove me right bc stuff happened which made me unable to watch it on the date i was told i would which made me cry listen- im just so excited n ive been waiting impatiently; may or may not have distracted me during class bc i was that excited,, many, many bumblebee fanart has been made during class
im so friggin excited that im getting tired, i cant wait (but i can, but i cant, but i also could),, if theres TF toys/merch selling at the cinema,, okay i gotta stop thinking abt TF im getting hyper again which will just make me tired
ill finish writing this once i get home from the movie theater, ill give my thoughts abt the movie n my journey in general

OKAY IM BACK N IM GONNA PEE MYSEL- i keep saying that, im just so excited im just okjhgfddfwsgexdhcfjgkibh
it was incredible, primus i dont even know where or how to start, please excuse me as i search for a transformers one bumblebee pfp bc i love his design in this movie. def one of my favorites, the designs of bee that i like (so far, will probably increase) r earthspark, r.i.d, prime, bumblebee movie + rise of beasts; now one is included
ALRIGHT IM DONE W THE PFP, okay wwhere to start w my experience,, lets start by talking abt my journey there! long n stressful. bc of stuff the journey there began later than ideal; even worse there was SO MUCH TRAFFIC. i was scared of missing sum important expedition of the movie (which i probably did but ill save that for later) istg the ride to the cinema was EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG. it was just traffic after traffic. i was trying to convince myself that as soon as i stepped inside the cinema n see the autobots playing on the big screen that it would b worth it (which it was but ill continue that for later) the longer there was no movement the stronger my doubt was getting- ofc i didnt actually give up n i knew i was right abt it being all worth it but i was just getting tired. after like 127 yrs finally got to the place n roamed around the mall, i was really rushing so i began to run bc I WASNT GOING TO MISS THIS WHEN IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 WEEKS (probably) N MORE, i figured it was worth it bc i was going to b sitting in the cinema for an hr n 40+ mins (which- ill save for later) anyways i did slow down as my legs n knees were starting to get sore (i have weak knees) but after finally getting the tickets n getting popcorn + sprite i quickly hobbled over to the cinema,, i heard D-16's voice n instantly all my worries n whatever negativity i had in my mind it just disappeared, went to a random seat n enjoyed the movie,, until i moved closer bc i have bad eyesight n then moving closer again bc i have bad eyesight- BUT ANYWAYS! i was there, enjoying the scene of orion n D-16 chatting it up.
now onto the like 4 things i saved for later, im too lazy to look up n reread; no im kidding im not, oh it was just 3, anyways: one, the expedition; it turns out i ended up missing just a lil of the beginning so it wasnt much of a loss - two, yes; as i said it was absolutely worth it as, as soon as i stepped inside the cinema n saw the autobots on the big screen it was like nothing mattered anymore - three, um,, not quite, bc of my bad eyesight n bc of my intrigue of the movie it caused me to lean ALL the way- like as much as i could, i was at the edge of the seat, constantly on my tippy toes,, so not really but honestly it didnt matter (oh wait, when i said it would b worth it, i meant bc it would heal by then, it didnt quite, thats what i meant; but everything else? yes.)
now my thoughts on the movie, remember up there when i said "this movie better b worth it- n i want myself to quote this n prove me right"? idk abt u but it ABSOLUTELY WAS. lets start a count over here:
times clapped?: lost count
times popcorn ate?: lost count
times i was abt to pee myself? (it means im excited): 3-4 (probably)
times ive applauded standing up?: 2
times freaked out?: lost count
times ive gushed abt bumblebee?: for 1 hr n whenever the credits BEFO the bumblebee scene started (basically the whole movie i couldnt shut up abt him, someone get this yellow robot man out of my head)
times i felt like crying?: 1
yk my declaration (i hope im using that word right) was that "if this movie doesnt make me cry or make end up standing up in applause like i do w all the other movies then all the pain i went thru for this movie isnt worth it" aha, happy to say it was v much worth it.
now my memory abt the movie is fuzzy rn, most likely a mix of my sleepiness n being overwhelmed n hyped the whole day that im just crashing down
btw dont expect like a professional review or critique- i am a casual n a v recent transformers fan;; (a month long fan as of now as i mentioned during the beginning) now to start ill talk abt the voices, i was pretty sad n disappointed to know that peter cullen would not b voice acting optimus n instead would b chris hemsworth, but it does make sense as this movie is the first chronologically speaking. its the beginning, showing optimus before he was a prime, back when he was just orion pax, n megatron before he was megatron n just D-16. (i keep on calling orion, optimus even tho he doesnt become a prime until near the end of the film when he gets resurrected, should put a spoiler warning now,,)
just putting this here to archive (bc its apart of my reaction)
i am fighting my sleepiness to continue this blog bc im worried that the next day my memories of the movie r just going to b insta-wiped m.i.b style, continuing on w my thoughts! since TF one is the first of the film series (chronologically) it makes sense why pax would have the gruff, low n deep voice we all associate optimus w; pretty sure that this is set when they were younger so again makes sense. bee's voice was fine! hes cute n silly n precious n adorable anyways, no matter what media hes in, he will always b husband best boy. elita-1, (which i thought was arcee this whole time- yes, arcee is in this movie - well i mean, i saw her when everyone's cores were given back,, which was at the end of the movie) her voice was also great, i didnt know she was/would b such a hard-ass but tbf ive only watched the movies n i havent seen her yet so i wouldnt know what to expect of her personality. D-16 was alright, at first i wasnt into his voice but watching the movie it really grew on me n i think it suits him well, n i can imagine the progression of his voice to the megatron now to b natural.
okay i think im going to hit the hay n continue writing this tmrw, 8/10 one of my best nights. HOPEFULLY I DONT FORGET ANYTHING(to talk abt + the movie itself)!!!!!!!!!!!! actually ill just write this here:
- voices [done]
- pacing [done]
- story [done]
- end credits
- this being my first cosplay
- character personalities + tropes [done]
- expectations of said movie
- fight scenes
- dialogue + jokes [done]
+ whatever i can think of
hopefully ill b able to rewatch it soon n b able to see the few mins i missed n get a fresh pair of eyes on the movie
okay im pissed, the paragraph i last wrote completely disappeared. either i forgot to save my work during my sleepy state that night (which i doubt) OR there is a word limit in blogs,, or i actually didnt write anything n my brain is playing tricks on me bc i was sleepy as all heck. oh shoot
NONO> I DID WRITE SMTH AFTER THE LIST. IT FKING RESET ON ME GAH, whatever ill just rewrite it,, (this really sucks, n yes i am confident i didnt forget to save bc i remember reading it outside of edit mode.)
okay back on topic,, thinking abt it again i think chris hemsworth was actually a good pick for orion pax, i like how he didnt try to impersonate n copy how peter cullen voices optimus,, bc he isnt optimus! (not yet at least) n to see this carefree past version of prime wouldnt make sense if it was peter voicing him! (oh btw back to arcee being in the movie, she was actually shown in the crowd during the race but then again,, bad eyesight;;)
[10/7 update]the voice acting is fking fire. esp D-16 n pax
moving onto pacing, imo the movie felt a bit fast paced n there were times i couldnt keep up or was left confused w certain cuts, i was thinking that if the movie was 2 hrs long like the other TF movies i feel like itd b enough to flesh out the story more! SPEAKINg OF STORY-
[10/7 update]rewatching it i didnt mind the pacing, maybe bc ive seen it already but i think its bc im used to the drawn out pacing of the other TF movies it affected how i saw it; but in my second watch i actually thought it was perfect
(wow okay im actually just going in order which- i mean yeah, i did make a list but there was no intention of it to b the order of which i talk abt things - just to write it so i wouldnt forget) i still have no idea how to describe it perfectly but it was pretty damn good. watching the class struggle of cybertron, (which! i didnt expect bc the only conflict i thought there was, was from the autobots vs the decepticons - but hey ive only seen the movies n havent watched the shows n read the comics- WHICH I WILL DO so maybe its seen there) the betrayal of sentinel prime n the friendship n eventual fallout between orion n D-16 was amazing (well not amazing bc i actually found D-16 hilarious along w his friendship w pax, so seeing the betrayal at the end hurt pretty bad- like we know hes gonna become megatron but like, it doesnt make it easier),, N OFC SPRINKLE IN SUM BUMBLEBEE u got a great movie,, speaking of bee, i really liked the scene of orion holding onto bee so he doesnt get caught by the quin,, quinnatcioooonss,, i will google this rq
wow im actually breaking the order, call me pax anyways - the- this was going to b abt the fight scenes but i changed my mind, the dialogue + jokes! idc i loved it when bee just kept repeating "BADASSATRON." to elita-1, its supposed to b annoying but god i love this man i could never ever get annoyed w him JUST LOOK AT HIM, HES SUCH A SILLY GUY!

so silly, my precious silly (guys i promise this isnt a 'i will talk abt how much i love bumblebee n no matter what TF media hes in i will always love him w all of my heart n soul' blog)
continuing w what i was saying, i did think at certain scenes the dialogue was kinda cheesy but yk! from its appearance it didnt seem as srs as the bayverse movies, altho it most DEFINITELY had its srs moments, like the times it shows the bots getting stabbed those scenes actually unnerved me, along w D-16's chest getting engraved w magnus prime's symbol it kinda scared me?? which is smth a TF movie hasnt done to me, even in the most intense battle scenes,, so like damn- props to that! but lets talk abt smth more light! besides the BADASSATRON jokes i LOVED the middle finger pax was hinting at- i genuinely thought they were going to show it n altho it was funny as hell i was worried bc there were kids everywhere in the theater- (well yeah obviously but u get what i mean) n they wouldnt even know what itd mean!! ,, but damn that was really funny, also funny bc i was looking around at the kids in a panic- (n no he didnt actually flipped off that bot,, who i forgot the name of)
(ALSO just before i go to sleep n forget, when my teacher asked how our break was- ofc i rambled abt TF one but what i didnt expect is that my philosophy teacher is ALSO a TF FAN AAAAAA she told me she used to watch the show as a kid n that shes thinking abt getting into it again !)@(#*$& so glad i showed off the tickets i kept)
alright gn fellas
finally hello agaim mgy earbuds r abt todie NOOOOO i am going to stall its death, until its warning beeps hurt my ears enough that i give in - which is now, it didnt beep but i didnt want to wait for it to, un momento
im back, lets finally finish this lengthy blog which is not, i repeat a "'i will talk abt how much i love bumblebee n no matter what TF media hes in i will always love him w all of my heart n soul' blog" bc i dont want it to sit in a corner n collect dust. back to the jokes i liked! how could i forget the
its too good, too good that i apparently forgot abt it until i saw the clip of it on twt - i just love bee(in general, honestly idt i could ever dislike bumblebee this yellow robot stole my heart n im in critical condition now, why has he done this to me)'s line delivery,, oh n ofc,,
i think im obsessed bc i have been staring at this picture (n clip) of bumblebee the whole evening, its night rn - i cant get this picture of this yellow, wet, slopping, sad, fking dog out of my head please get him out, bumblebee get out of my head please i couldnt stop staring at the picture i could feel myself sinking into madness. hes so adorable please go away i cant get enough of u, u virus - no bee ure not a virus im just obsessed w u im sorry
hey remember i said that this isnt a "'i will talk abt how much i love bumblebee n no matter what TF media hes in i will always love him w all of my heart n soul' blog"? bc its not. i fear that im crazy
now! onto the dialogue! it was fine! but there were times where i thought there were cheesy, tropey lines - but it didnt take away from the srsness of the story!
oh god this blog is gonna take forever i have sm more to talk abt, but i mean i love this film so is it really all that bad? no - now! abt the character's personalities n tropes!
i love the cheerful, carefree, whimsy orion pax honestly hes so precious, i loved his adventurous, playful spirit which hurts much more watching his fallout w D-16 - not going to think much more abt it bc my heart is going to start hurting- its already hurting so im going to move on
elita-1,, oh elita-1, first of all i thought her name was pronounced EL-ta, so it was kinda a backhand when i heard her name being said n its actually pronounced el-LEET-ta,, but um, i mean shes a hard-headed, strict, bad btch, pretty sick pretty cool - i cant stop replaying that clip of her sucker punching poor, poor shockwave in the,, optic face(?) oh my primus that was the most hilarious thing ive witnessed- well i mean in comparison to the jokes made by bee i mean its second place bc yk bumblebee is just that funny is just that good no im not being biased, it is funny but when we talk abt bumblebee
anyways, BUMBLEBEE! the golden child (quite literally, hes yellow) god hes just so precious i wanna squeeze him, i wanna pinch his fat fking cheeks hes so cute ioh my god im gonna explode hes so bbyboy so bbygirl i cant do this hes like infecting my mind i cannot stop it, its like an infection in my head, every yellow car i see on the street i subconsciously ask "bumblebee?" someone please get him out of my head i cant think of anything else without him popping up in my mind agai
but um, i was worried that in the movie hed just b a comedic relief w NO substance at all which would break my heart into millions of pieces but,, imo n from what i can remember he wasnt like that so my heart is v much in tact :D
srsly tho i cant get this yellow fk out of my head its like the color yellow has been possessed w his being, i cant look at yellow without seeing bumblebee's stupid- no hes not stupid, hes v much perfect- adorable face i cant, i really cant im just going down a deep, dark spiral n i cant see, i cant, theres no way out i really think im going insan
but really tho the color yellow had no significance to me whatsoever, its just a color, whatever but ever since i got into TF the color yellow has- its everywhere when its not- im seeing yellow rn, someone, anyone please help m
[10/7 update]but srsly, hes so realistic; ure just stuck in this small area doing work for ur whole life, no social interaction, making bots out of scrap to have companions- so yeah, hes going to b clingy n bubbly to even meet ppl! (this part was originally in the tropes section but it fit better here so i moved it up) n since he seems to not even explored outside of his work ofc hes going to b curious n excited abt everything basically! n KNIFE HANDS! KNIFE HANDS R FKING SICK DUDE!
[10/11 update]just wanted to mention- or more like add a video that perfectly describe's how i saw bumblebee's character n bumblebee as a whole in this movie by Comodin Cam; currently a TF ytber i really like watching atm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rUqvQvVD74 im so happy ppl understand that bc of the situation hes born in- ofc hes going to act the way he does! its such a realistic portraition n i really appreciate that realness in this movie- thats the thing! all the developments in this movie feels natural! like its should happen, it doesnt feel forced it feels destined,, that makes it so special - really i just feel like bee is just really trying to make his daft situation better by adding all this dialogue n jokes n songs to fill the emptiness hes lived w for so long- i mean the man's built bots from scraps,, he really wants n craves connection so ofc he acts the way he does, n YES he knows when to shut up bc he understands the danger in certain situations. hes not a mindless clown making jokes when its not needed, hes just trying to brighten up the situation; to not make everyone feel so gloom in these desperate times- n besides! we need bumblebee! we need that spark of joy bc i think bee does balance the srsiness of this movie w his presence, so- primus bless bee hes such a good soul, love him to bits,, get out of my head- i mean i cant stop talking abt him or thinking abt him, its really taking a toll on me - i dont really mind but i could use a break,, but if anything were to drain me i wouldnt mind it being bumblebee. probably would let it happen
lets talk abt D-16! like w orion i was pretty unsure abt his va casting but NOPE! they did just fine, honestly i loved the classic silly + srs friendship duo, i love how dedicated n task orientated he was- he was such a,, perfect worker is the only thing i can think to describe him - that or teacher's pet but eh, but yk the whole wanting to b perfect in their position n what they do to get a higher rank,, kinda like elita-1! it was pretty shocking since most from what ik abt megatron is- BREAK SHIT, DESTROY, FK U OPTIMUS- yk all that jazz(not the bot)
holy scrap. i just finished rewatching transformers one, its still as good (even better!) since the last time i watched it. this is still the most engaging, inspiring, fun, devastating, gut wrenching, heartbreaking, amazing, fantastic, awesome, fulfilling, beautiful, impressive, extravagant, jaw dropping, solemn, upsetting, bittersweet, physically damaging (bc i felt the punches megatron was giving to optimus, trust me i did), emotional roller coaster of a transformers movie,, i dont know what exactly a 10/10 movie is, but in comparison to the movies ive watched, i this this movie is around a 9 or a 10 out of 10 - it was that incredible. srsly i had to rewatch scenes over n over, n altho i do regret not finishing writing abt my first impressions watching this movie but- cmon. ive been checking every single day to see if TF one was available to watch n it is now! so- I HAD TO! n yes i did feel like i was abt to pee myself,, im not being gross im just simply hyped; listen if u watched the movie ud understand- anyways! i was able to watch the beginning that i missed in the cinema! the scene of pax breaking into the archives n that sick chase scene! damn that was awesome, i love how orion really doesnt gaf abt rules n stuff- i mean the optimus now is all abt staying in line so it was a cool shift in character!
now as worried as i was there are still sum things i still feel the same abt this movie! so ill continue on as a i did n will update on how i feel on certain aspects
onto the tropes! rewatching the movie i remembered how i said that i was glad that bumblebee wasnt a textbook comedic relief but honest idek if i even know what an actual comedic relief is- i assumed it was just an annoying character who would blurt out joke all the time, every time even during inappropriate moments; at least, thats most of the comedic relief characters ive seen behave. but not bee, he knows when to stand down w his jokes n honestly just seems like a guy who tries to find the positive side of everything even during bad situations to cheer himself up! seeing when hes stressed out or worried when finding out the truth of sentinel prime (i hate that guy, im watching tf:a season 2 n my god i just know this guy is going to b a pain in the aft to watch, the few clips on him in season 1 already showed me how much of a douche he is), when he n D-16 got captured n bee was trying to tell D-16 to stay down- it really made me relieved they didnt make him feel like an empty character
actually,, i originally added a tropes section bc my first time watching i sensed sum cheesy, overdone tropes that brought the movie down for me but my second time watching i dont actually see that anymore,, so lets move on then! (yes there are sum tropes but not any one that brought the movie down for me, not anymore anyways)
i am so embarrassed, i accidentally wrote "D-16" instead of D-16. this is what happens when u find the motivation to continue writing ur blog late at night, n only at night - even if ure fighting sleepiness,, please excuse me as i go ahead n correct all of them,,
holy hell i have been writing "D-12" for probably half of this blog without even realizing it. anyways,, lets continue on,, fight scenes.
smth i thought of my first n second time watching i noticed that the fights werent as complex (well from what i saw from anyone who wasnt elita-1) from the previous transformers movies which- makes sense! its their first time getting into this new world,, wait no, bee was 100% kicking ass esp w his knife hands, that was really smooth n swift but honestly like its bumblebee so what do u expect bc srsly speaking hes just that good bc like its bumblebee man like what do u expe
its just a really nice detail of watching them slowly getting used to their new abilities- its just really charming,, altho i do wonder how bee was just able to adjust so quickly to his new abilities; my theory is that he mightve just been practicing fighting stances n techniques by himself n then that whole "BADASSATRON" nickname formed, hes spent sm time by himself n just by himself like hes gotta do smth! most def smth ambitious like teaching himself how to fight despite unlikely to face anything down in sublvl 50 (which is just WRONG to do to bee.) obviously, if u were isolated for ur whole life ure going to get sum hobbies n become ur own teacher basically
ill finish this blog,, one day
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Mileena >:3
i've seen the movie on 4DX last saturday, it was hella fun but i literally screamed when the seats in the cinema are moving @_@
WOAHH wait that's so cool! id probably yelp if i experienced that
by simeon; ; Report