this is my second attempt because i didn't realize that shit doesn't save so i just wasted like 10 mins but im going to try to be positive for the sake of keeping this on track. Basically im making a follow up because last time i feel like i didnt do the job justice for the good times ive had with it and was just using all the shitty times as examples and i dont think thats fair.
obviously its going to be shitty sometimes but there are moments of the jobs like interactions with coworkers and customers that just brighten my day and make it worth it yk? like a couple weeks ago i had a closing shift and was doing my last sweeps on the hour that we close and this Hispanic customer comes up to me with a kid that's probably around 2 to 4 years old, absolutely adorable and awesome and hes just looking around the store trying to find things and since we are basically some of the last people in the store he keeps on bumping into me and i help him find things he needs to find, the thing is this guy doesn't speak a lick of English and my dumbass cheated my way through high school Spanish so we have an insurmountable language barrier, or so i thought :)
So i keep on bumping into him we basically get to know each other in a sense, he shows me his phone in the Albertsons app and i walk him to where he needs to go and show him exactly where everything is (that's kind of bullshit i just started working here and didnt know where most things were so i helped as best as i could but luckily everything he needed was easy for us to find together) but we keep on going and im basically his personal assistant and i dont mind hes cool and his baby is cute so we just keep on bumping into each other and finding everything he needs.
and what i loved the most and something that i love to this day which is my favorite interaction is something that was so simple and honest and pure. we are just walking around and since he cant talk to me he talks to his kid and i knew he was talking about me. I dont know alot of spanish but i know that he was basically telling his kid this: "he doesn't speak Spanish at all but look at how much hes helping us" and i could tell he was grateful. thats what i loved the most he was grateful, and apricated me as a person despite not having an easy way to talk and communicate i tried anyways and he was grateful of that. and he probably has never been in our store before and i was so proud to be able to be the one to help him. the only thing i regret is having to finish my sweeps that night and not be able to be the one helping bag this groceries. It honestly was the best experience ive had so far and made that closing shift worth it and made me so happy i worked there.
and although thats my best example of why its worth it to go through the rough to be rewarded there's obviously more reasons, i love getting to know my coworkers and hang out talk and have community. just earlier today i was so bored and ready to get off for the day, it felt like every passing second was hours and it could never end. until randomly my coworker just balled up a receipt and used it as a basketball and we would try to make it into a bag that's on the stand at the booth. It was so small and simple but it made me so happy and it was such a fun little game. shooting hoops in-between customers while also hiding from our manager. it was honest and true and i loved it and before i knew it my time was up and i packed up and went home.
obviously i have more stories and i might want to share them sometime and when i do i might rename this and make it a series because "life as a minimum wage slave" is to negative and boring but who knows.
I just wanted to give a follow up for anyone that is scared to work or stuck in a negative fog for their job or whatever your personal situation is. The positive aspects of life are always there for you, just sometimes you need to adjust your perspective to appricate them.
anyways until next time,
-a greatful bird named Cardinal
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