i've been using Linux for a while now, but i want to talk about how it was for me, as an all time Windows user, to move to this OS...
I was studying cybersecurity, and because of it, i started learning about the protection of one's information and how megacorporations don't really care about that and will (and have) steal your info for god knows what reasons, i was using Win10 and Win11 had just came out, i didn't really like it because of how INVASIVE it is, i also don't really recommend using many google related things (but i understand their usage and it would be hypocritical of me to say i don't use ANYTHING google related), ok so i wanted to switch OS and never really liked MacOS (and i'm broke lol) so the next option was LINUX.
So i searched up which Linux distro to use... And then i found it, a challenge for an engineering student, and apparently it's used by femboys or something? Yes,Arch Linux! So i didn't even set up a VM and installed it there, i WIPED MY ENTIRE HARD DRIVE (i only got one HDD) and started the normal, basic, installation ( i didn't even know there was a SCRIPT TO DO IT EASILY), after a few hours (i started at like 8pm and it was already 11pm) i GOT IT TO BOOT AND WORK, but then i only had the console? no graphics, no mouse, no nothing...
So! As a windows user i got introduced (at midnight) about the existence of DESKTOP ENVIRONMENTS and WINDOWS MANAGERS and oh my god are those CONSOLE COMMANDS?!?!?! So, for me it was a lot lol...
But i started reading! I installed KDE as my first DE, i don't even remember what else i installed because i got an Nvidia GPU (1050Ti) and so installing drivers was a bit hard... Arch Linux worked for aproximately 2 hours until something broke on my screen, i tried to fix it and instead broke another thing, so i got mad at it (it was literally 4am) and WIPED MY HARD DRIVE AGAIN, but this time i was smarter, i installed DEBIAN.
Debian is easy, works, customizable, cute and great, i loved my time using debian, but i had a problem... I didn't really know anything about linux like, 'what do you mean you can't run a .exe?!?' or 'what the fuck is a Terminal?' and so it began, i first learned about the wonderful thing that is STEAM ON LINUX (everything just works, it's magical), WINE (when combined with Winetricks is the most life saving thing on earth) and JUST GOOGLING HOW TO DO STUFF, i learned SO MUCH about OS's that i only learned theoretically on college and about how computers and data systems work in general so i thank Linux for the learning experience deeply (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) !
Now i use POP_OS because i just love it, it works, its fine and its great for productivity, on my laptop i got Debian just because and on my Desktop i got a dual boot with win10 just because there were some games i was already playing on windows and i'm too lazy to migrate those into linux lol...
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Nice! Pop_os is amazing for new Linux users, it's very friendly. If you ever wanted to try out arch again I recommend EndeavourOS, basically more user friendly arch install. Getting KDE Plasma to work well with Nvidia GPU might be tricky tho so maybe use gnome for Wayland or xfce for x11
I'll quit yapping, have fun with Linux! :D
I installed KDE on POP_os because i reaaaaaally like the customization capabilites of it! But i ended up staying on the default GNOME (i love the easy setup like it just works lol)
I heard about Endeavor so i will probably try using that one too on my laptop hehehe
by DenpaLover; ; Report