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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

SICK ass jacket acquired

super pumped at this find.. it was only 16 dollars and in really really good condition. im gonna be wearing this for a WHILE. I showed my sister and she asked if it smelled like cigarettes, lol. it didn't, for the record. It kind of smelled like a basement. I threw that and a few other things in the wash with my roommate. I should be wearing it now but Guess what. we paid for the wrong dryer and left our clothes sitting in a wet heap in one that never turned on for about an hour. so now we need to wait another hour while our shit Actually dries lol. something's sewn into the jacket that's just free-floating in there. I tried to feel out the shape and it kind of feels like a heart? I'm tempted to operate and see what it is.

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Shack Man

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You're gonna be like the guy from Drive (he drives btw) (Literally me btw)

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This is incredibly specific. I googled Drive and all i saw was Ken from barbie before my ears started ringing and vision gave out. I’m okay, but for some reason Ryan gosling’s face does that to me. I think he hit me with his car in a past life where I was a deer. That’s not important though. What matters is Does he or does he not at one point acquire a sick ass jacket, and also is it cooler than mine. please respond with this information as soon as possible

by sawsomeable; ; Report

Do I think the jacket he's wearing is cooler than yours? No. Does it have a fucking sick ass scorpion on the back though which exemplifies his masculinity or whatever? Hell yeah. What I'm saying is, if you're going to beat him at his own jacket game, you gotta put a sick as hell animal on your back

by Shack Man; ; Report

FUCK. I looked it up and that jacket IS cool. it's teetering on the edge of being cooler than mine...... you're right, I need to figure out an animal. I'm thinking a naked mole rat something, you know, to also exemplify my masculinity. did you know they can individually move their two front teeth, and also have the same social structure as bees? I didn't until I looked up it 10 seconds ago. they're kind of badass

by sawsomeable; ; Report

You're gonna be like the dude from Drive dude, except you're gonna have a fricken mole rat on your back and that might as well be a combination of Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan because of how fucking epicly manly and sigma it is. Whatever car Mr Drive man drove is gonna look like a happy meal toy next to your pussy wagon

by Shack Man; ; Report