I H8 ART CLASSES!!! okay soooo ik that art classes are meant 2 teach u different art skills and such but when your taking a highschool art class that you are pretty much FORCED 2 take, I feel like there should be a little room for creativity. I think after highschool when most are 2 busy with jobs kids etc they wont have as much time to express creativity buttttt that time SHOULDVE been in highschool when you had a class that was supposedly meant for u 2 express yourself. yes I understand being taught something means taking in new information anddd I understand that school is just something every1 has 2 do but when some teachers mark students final projects with bright red markers and ruin the piece, or MAKE YOU TAKE NOTES ON RANDOM STUFF ALL CLASS, it kind of kills the last of the creativity the kids have from being drained of it in every other class. buttt yea that's my rant :3
just a small rant about ART CLASSES.
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