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Category: Blogging

First post!! My Day so far!

Dear Die-ary...

Hello, SpaceHey! So, this is my first post here, really ^w^ So what better to make a first post than to just blog about how my day had gone? :3

Let's start off with the morning! I didn't wake up until around 6 or 7 AM. Which is good, because every other day I have to wake up at like 4 AM to get ready for school (a real pain in the ass... >:/ but worth it for my senior year!) My parents then came in to ask if I was gonna stay at my friend's house for the 4 day weekend I'll have later on in the year (they were cool with it, they just wanted to confirm it. It's good to leave your room every now and again!). I then woke up and decided to scroll through tiktok

The day was mostly uneventful (I mean, c'mon, any Sunday morning is uneventful, really. -.-), with me mostly being on my phone, talking with my friends on discord, and playing a bit of video games. My mom also made brunch, pancake casserole, which had to be put back in again for a bit because it was still GOOPY IN THE MIDDLE!!!! >:( EVEN THOUGH WE PUT IT IN FOR THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME!!!

Other than that, I had a decent day, talked with my queer-platonic partner <3, got a bit upset that my mom was upset of things running out in the house and others not really telling her :( (I don't like it when my parents get upset bc they are loud and as someone with autism, I just HATE loud noises), and for dinner I had pork chops, corn, and alfredo pasta (Mmm! Yummers!) while watching some Invader Zim!

So, will I blog tomorrow? Or maybe post some art? I dunno! That's for fate to decide... Until next time, SpaceHey! This is Geek, signing off!

detest sleep. I've got better things to do...

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Chaos Conspiracies

Chaos Conspiracies's profile picture

i dislike arguements i have ptsd with it ): & anxiety

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damn, that sucks :( hoping that you can seek as much love & comfort as needed, tho! Stay strong, vro!

by AnonymouseGeek; ; Report

um not realy but i dont deal with arguements now anymore since ma family divorced so i live in separate houses from ma mother so i can cope a bit better but sumtimes i still get triggers

by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report