Thank you so much for checking my blog and being interested in my thoughts on happiness!
Before I get into it I'd like to make it clear that it's a subjective opinion on happiness. Some of you may not see happiness as I see and our thoughts are not the same but that's okay!!! Enjoy! :))
This blog inspired by my personal feelings/experiences
One word, nine letters: Happiness
But what is it? What does it mean for you? A feeling? A mood? Personality? Mental state? It has diefferent meaning for all of us! Like it or not no one knows what Happiness is. When someone ask you are you happy? You probably say yes! Because you're healthy, your family is okay, you're doing good, you're doing your school stuff homework, and you're thinking your life couldn't be more happy. But that's not happiness and you're not happy you just do your daily routine: wake up, brush your teeth, have your breakfast and getting ready to school or work. According to most of the people happiness is a feeling, mental state that is temporary you're life is happy and excellent for maybe an hour! But what's after that? You return to your average life and happiness is disappear you won't be happy again you'll think your life is could be happier and better you'll think about things you wish you had: Sport cars, Money, Luxury house, Luxury lifestyle, A partner who loves you not because of your money but because of you, because of who you are! We often see people on the wall street in New York or on TV actors, actresses laughing, smiling we see them happy but are they?
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” - Abraham L
“There’s no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.” – Buddha
Why are we always want to be happy? Why are we trying to find happiness if none of us knows what happiness is? Is it just a waste of time? When will we be happy? Are we just pursuit to be happy? One thing they always forget to ask you when someone haven't talk to you in a while or on a job interview. Are you happy? They asking how are you doing, are you feel good blah blah blah, but they forget to ask you are you happy?! We often forget to smile and being happy about what we already have: Health, Family, House and Food. We feel happy when we open up the presents at christmas or Birthday gift we're excited and it makes us happy! But as I mentioned it's temporary . Why we can't be happy about the things we already have? Why can't we be happy about our friend's success or health? Why we can't just ask our friend time to time are you happy? Or just throw a message to them how are you? How Are you doing? While we all know that all the small things can make others happy.
In my opinion we can't find happiness in money and luxury stuffs. But we can find it in others or in ourselves! For me happiness is I can be happy about my friend being happy. It makes me happy if I can help her, it makes me happy if I can talk to her, it makes me happy if I can hear her voice, it makes me happy if she ask my opinion on something becuase I feel like she cares about and she ask my opinion on something which means my opinion is matters and helps her. A new clothe can make me happy, a new friend can make me happy in some way. A new job, car, money & fame won't make me happy forever. The ability that I can play music forever any time I want is makes me happy, the music makes me happy, I can express myself through music it's just one form of art.
Although we always want to be happy, we can't be always happy. That's how it works. We supposed to be sad, gloomy time to time otherwise happiness wouldn't exist. We need these days to wait and try to find happiness although it's inside of us it depends on us when, where and why can we happy. We can be happy about adopting a puppy or a baby it makes us happy for life, but we have to take care of them. It's a start of a journey we won't be happy all the time but that's part of the journey! We can be happy about our favourite bands is still banding and putting out records, CDs but we often forget about it. Because we think that's the normal but it's not. We should be thankful for god. We should pray more. We should do more things about our community help each other to make them happy. Everyone has the right to be happy. We should say more Thank you!
In my own words, Happiness is something we can only pursue maybe happiness is something that we can actually never have it. Thomas Jefferson knew something about happiness. But why feel like I'm happy when I succeed? Why feel like I'm happy when I get another boring job? Why feel like I'm happy when I get my first pay check? When I buy my first car from my own money? Why am I happy when I lose weight when I see that hard work pays off? If it's only temporary !!!!? Why we humans pursue happiness? What does it mean for us? Is it exist at all? What really makes us happy and not just temporary??? We all have dreams that we wish it comes true, but we afraid or scared to be happy in order to reach them, to be successful. To achieve those goals/dreams. We scared to be crazy wild dreamers and live up in the pink clouds in order to be happy.
Thank you for all of you for reading my blog about happiness.
I've put a lot of effort to this blog/article and to gather my thoughts and experiences. I hope one day we all find happiness in someone/something. Thank you so much for reading it I hope I can write more blog about life or my experiences/philosophy thoughts!!! I actually love them lol Anyways.
~ Darius
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
mira x33
ooh i really like your perspective on this :33
Tysm! :3 <3
by Darius (Davril) ✩; ; Report
great essay, you know all the rest i have written to you in private ♡
Yes!! <3333 :))
by Darius (Davril) ✩; ; Report
I love this and how much thought and time was obviously put into this, I'm in a slump mentally at the moment but i know the next time i get to see my friends and family today i'll definitely feel happy again!!
Thank you :3
by Darius (Davril) ✩; ; Report