
I am in love, properly...i love him and he loves me. The only problem? He's 15 years older. I'm having a crisis, I know its wrong but, I love him...what do i do?

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โ˜พ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐š๐ซ๐ฆ๐ฑ๐ฑ๐งโ˜พ's profile picture

sweetheart,,, u are 16. u arent even of legal age. i can't drink, u can't vote, u cant get an apartment, u cant even get a tattoo without consent from ur parents. wat business does a 30+ y/o have with a fucking child. yes, u are a child. im 18 and i still consider myself a kid in a way. u may love him but he does not have ur best interest at heart i can PROMISE u that. the only thing someone of his age would want of someone of ur age would be to take advantage. i don't mean to be harsh but please dont be stupid. over a man?? absolutely not. u have the rest of ur life to commit to someone who loves u not to take advantage but to actually LOVE u. u may disagree but that's a fucking demon of a person. no one of that age would ever date someone of ur age if they're in their right mind cuz they know its immoral and harmful. the mental and emotional difference between a 13 y/o and a 16 y/o is insane, much less someone who's had 15 more years of life experience. dont be no fool sweetheart

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He's not a bad person and he's so sincere I have had experiences with people around age but I don't know why I like him more. It's not an excuse and I know me wanting it doesn't make it any more illegal but if he is just talking advantage of me which I don't think he is I might just have to find that out for myself. He choose not to do anything until I was at least 18, I wanted to do more but I won't, it's not right i know we just talk and stuff and have been for almost 10 months nothing crazy. Thank you for your response it really makes me think about it differently. I'll take it to heart.

by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report

i just dont want u getting manipulated (which is wat im sure is going on here) since, like i said, normal, healthy 30 y/o's don't want to date children. even if u were 18 u should still be a child in his eyes because of ur inexperience. it's ultimately ur choice wat u do, im just telling u its not a good idea to let urself be groomed. its rlly rlly not๏ธ

by โ˜พ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐š๐ซ๐ฆ๐ฑ๐ฑ๐งโ˜พ; ; Report

Yeah I understand, I want to talk to him about that more.

by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report


kromantiya's profile picture

this man it's disgusting call the fking police

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It doesn't have to be a bad thing...

by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report

but it IS a bad thing
a horrible one actually

by kromantiya; ; Report

I know but I really do love him

by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report

Chaos Conspiracies

Chaos Conspiracies's profile picture

Does he feel the same way about you? Have you talked about what it will be like on 10 years. If you want a family does he? I think you should sit down and find out what each other wants. Where you want to be in 5 or 10 years. Do you care what people will think will say. Friends family what do they think? There are rules for everything. Including how old a person you should be with. But it all comes down to you and him. Do you make each other happy? Do you fulfill each others life? Of you both feel the same about each other. Then who cares about what people think or rules on how old someone should be. There is one thing and one thing only that matters. Your happiness. You live your life and live it with someone that makes you happy. Not what people say will make your happy. Go for it. Age is just numbers. It is what's in your heart that counts. I wish you then best of luck.

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Thank you : ) and yes we both want to have a family together, we both know that we are completely for each other and I know that I want to be with him. I don't care what my friends think but I know they would be confused. I just don't want it to seem as if he's grooming me, I know what I'm doing, I could've had anyone..but I chose him.

by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report

alot of ppl do go for older guys but honestly u can be judged for anything

by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report


by Gold_Fishcrackers; ; Report