i have schol in the mooring and I hate school the teches don't give one single shit. i have this disabileite and half of the teachers think its some kind of joke and don't even get me started on my sochile worker is this usslues piece of shit she always says "if you need me just tecxte me" YEAH RIGIT! she takes two days to respond and she is so mean to me like wtf did I do to you.i usesed to be homeschooled but guss who tock me out of that my shocile worker!!! the only reason my parents toke me out of school is because of me getting bulled a bunch I hope my school doesn't open because of the rain that's been happening in the UK I hope!!!! I RELLEY HOPE!!!!!!

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im really sorry that your schooling system, and social worker have failed you. these things almost always fail to help everyone and it especially doesn’t work for many people with disabilities because they are just focused on helping the average person never accounting for everyone else that doesn’t fit into that perfect mold. all i wish for you is freedom from this cycle eventually or help that goes further and can actualy work for you as an individual. Good luck and i wish the most for you.
thanks, I Appice that
by urfavbisexul; ; Report