1. PARS DESTRUENS - critic of false aknowledges and convictions
"NOVUM ORGANUM" - why does a man believe in falsifications
>>> doctrine of IDOLS (prejudices):
1) IDOLA TRIBUS - human misinterpritations that put false meanings
into the unknown.
2) IDOLA SPECUS - mental habits received through education, friends,
writings, experience etc; represent a mental
captivity where one is prevented from seeing the truth.
3) IDOLA FORI - human relations connected to the language - words are an
essential tool that might indicate either something unexistent or generic and innacurate.
4) IDORA THEATRI - misinterpritations similar to imaginary stories
represented on the scene of a theater.
EX: Platon's & Aristotle's philosophical systems.
2. PARS CONSTRUENS - knowledge not only is defined but is also mathematically proven. This requires a next procedure:
INDUCTIVE METHOD - to observe phenomenon carefully and subsequently establish the UNIVERSAL LAW; it proceeds gradually with continuous
"ORDERLY COLLECTION OF FACTS" - use of process of inclusion/exclusion
>>> "TABLES"
TABLE OF PRESENCE - cases in which the studied phenomenon occurs.
TABLE OF ABSENCE - cases which do not reveal the presence of the phenomenon.
TABLE OF COMPARATION (GRADUM) - variation of intensity with which the phenomenon occurs.
The function of tables is that of arranging the EMPIRICAL MATERIAL, organized to advance the FIRST HYPOTHESIS (VINDEMIATIO PRIMA), that is subsequently verified by series of tests, among which the essential 1s
>>> EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS - to exclude all alternative explanations or possibilities.
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