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Category: Games

genuinely catastrophic doors run

so me and my friends have been on a doors fix over. liek. the past few days and as a result we have been playing doors. the one from roblox.

 run's going relatively normal and stuff until door 50. one of my friends (who i will refer to as "eagle" for simplicity) gets his ass COMPLETELY trapped in a closet. our other friend places down a clock to lure him away to literal zero avail. i walked right by him to get the code paper and he did not notice. eagle was thoroughly FUCKED!!!

now if you know anything about doors then you know you can't hide somewhere for too long without being cast aside. and unfortunately for us, our dear friend eagle departed from this mortal coil. #sad!

and then there were two.

so after us survivors beat door 50, i, in my infinite wisdom, suggest that we go and do rooms because that'll allow us to revive him. during an intermission, all of the players remaining will be revived.

we continue on, a new goal in mind. but another obstacle stands in our way. ambush.

ambush isn't the worst, you just have to be crafty and time everything properly. relatively easy once you get the hang of it, soFUCK!!!! FUCK!!!!!

the key to beating this entity is to strategically go in and out each time he comes back around. so, in my infinite wisdom, i do that. my character starts going into the closet AND I STILL DIE!!!! BECAUSE APPARENTLY!!!! I WAS LIKE!!! HALF A SECOND TOO LATE!!!! GRAAHHHH!!!!!!

i died. the closet entering animatioin played and he STILL GOT ME!!!!!

it was all up to ami. she was the only one left. and she had one goal in mind. to revive not just eagle, but me too. 

she enters rooms and we all come back and everything's fine. we encounter an entity or two, but everything's fine until DUDE ARE YO UFUCKING KIDDING ME.

both me and eagle are entirely and thoroughly RAILED by A-90, an enemy neither of us have encountered before.

the key to beating this guy is really easy: just stop moving the second he shows up. however, neither me or eagle have encountered this guy before, and we both die immediately. ami was fine, i think genuinely just off of pure luck. lol

so now, ami has a new new mission: get anywhere from A-201 - A-225 and escape the rooms and resurrect both me and eagle.

AND SHE. PULLED. THROUGH. shoutout to the goat. we're all ressed, NOTHING can go wrong now!!

is what i would say if ambush didn't show up again and the exact same thing that happenedl ast time. i DIUED. I  FR*CKIING DIED. ON LIKE. DOOR 85. I HATE HTIS GAME!!!

anyways eagle and ami make it all the way to door 100 with no real complications. they've got this, i believe inAmi died immediately due to terrible rng.

but EAGLE pulled through!!!! he DID IT!!!! he BEAT door 100 and we were all on our way to the mines.

i have not played the mines.

i am told "oh hey you can't hide in the same place twice." and i take this as "if you try to hide in the same spot twice, you'll get a message telling you you can't". 

what my friends failed to mention is that if you try to hide in the same place twice, your penalty is DEATH!!! and i DIED!!!!!

and so did they shortly after. L! hahaha!!

anyways. crazyass run. resulted in nothing. grr!!!!!

2 Kudos


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Ami's profile picture

this is all true and i was cool an awesome besides that part where you died to locker, that is false and i am right :3

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by Newt's Layout Test; ; Report

i respondfed eion othe wqorng acount

by [S] Newt; ; Report

just get better babe

by Ami; ; Report