why are some people hating on 10 year olds with skincare??? like I get it if the kid is using anti-aging products and hasn't hit puberty, (even then its unacceptable, like ur bullying a kid go get a life babe) but me and my sister hit puberty at eight and nine years old and broke out like crazyyyy and needed to use skincare because omg it was BAD, not as bad for me, but my sister had cystic acne (is that how u spell it??) and we needed it bad because sometimes those pimples HURT. and it makes me so sad seeing people hate on kids with skincare.

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Look, I'd start with defining the kind of hate the kids are getting. Generally bullying kids is terrible, thought majority of the criticism I see online is very very specific and has a point.
1. The rising phenomenon of kids going to sephora and trashing the testers. Not okay, though the criticism is mainly at the parents who allow their kids to act this way.
2. The glamorization and promotion of 1) expensive skincare brands to kids and 2) heavy and extensive skincare routines (like 10-step skincare routines)
Quite literally as a younger person you only need a cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF, THAT'S IT. As a base, of course. If you have any underlying skin conditions, and I'm telling you this as a person with atopic dermatitis, go to a dermatologist and get a proper product. Trust me, nothing in sephora is going to give you the help you actually need, and actual products recommended by doctors tend to be way more affordable anyways.
The criticism should never be directly targeting the children. The biggest perpetrators are companies, then parents. It is important ultimately to talk to your children about this so that they understand. but beyond that they don't hold much fault.
by AC1D_R41N!; ; Report