Life Update: I got into a good college and more

1.) I got into a good college

This is pretty easy to do in the UK if you got good scores on your GCSE’s.. and i did! Even though i kinda sucked at school. But i was really obsessed with English and Drama and i passed everything else. 

Soo…. I’m doing Fine Art, Btech Drama and Criminology! 

Yeah. It’s varied because i do not know what fugg i'm doing and just wanted to indulge in my interests and have fun. Also i’m doing so many extra stuff life an EPQ, too many clubs, college production of Adam’s Family and i’m going for an audition for our Connections production also. Sob.. 

Well even though i’ve sacrificed some of my lunches and free periods i’ll hopefully prove something of myself!

2.) Script Workshop!

Well i didn’t talk about this but i go to a youth theatre/ creator group at my cities theatre and there was a script writing workshop i could partake in for the other youth group to preform-

Since there is the young creators and the young performers. My group does BOTH but the script was for the group that JUST preforms already existing scripts.

Well i completely that partially, but then ended up forgetting to write the script and emailing it (to who was an actual writer for Eastenders) in the six weeks holiday because i was having the TIME OF MY LIFE eating pistachio baklavas and throwing up on the beautiful beach of Cornwall. Sorry.. uhh.. 

So this is a NOT that script writing work shop. It’s a DIFFERENT script writing workshop that will have my script ALSO preformed in the same place as my theatre group. So basically i’m just doing the whole process again but with people that are much older than me. (it’s 16-25 but there were people over 25 there, but uhh there is genuinely only 7ish people there anyway. Oh and theres a 17 year old that coincidentally goes to my college LMFAO).

ANYWAY this is an extra bit you don’t have to read.

I have two ideas for the script, either it’s going to be an inspired mix of the game SOMA and Red dwarf or it’s going to be a small ‘what if?’ from an already existing story of mine.

(Oh yeah and i watched a gameplay of SOMA. I really liked it.)

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