i think a lot of people on this website/app/whatever will agree with me for a lot of different reasons.
i think i would be better off in the 2000's or the 1990's or even the 1980's or just something before right now. before there was social media and when people were actually different from others. when there were still dvds and tv channels where it plays a certain chow at a certain time instead of streaming platforms so that everyone watches the same thing and so people dont judge others for watching certain things because everyones watching the same thing.
also the music is better and the movies were better and everything was better. people had more of an attention span to actually watch full-length movies and the movies were new and more groundbreaking and were just more fun to watch. now barely any movies are that cool anymore because almost everything has already been done. and the music back then was a lot different and it was acceptable to listen to different music than everyone else. like, alt music was actually popular and so was rock so it was just a lot easier to not be judged.
and also i am perfectly aware that there were also a lot of bad things going on. i dont think i really have to explain about that. but being a person whos a lot different than the norm nowadays, i think that it would be easier to live in the earlier times, like the 00's or the 90's or the 80's.
also i just like the fashion ngl. its a lot better and if it was the same fashion as right now i wouldnt be toooooo mad but its still crumby that people who dont dress the same are bullied or whatever nowadays. and i know it probably still happened back then, but because of social media and whatever, its a lot worse.
long story short, social media sucks and im going to bitch about it because i dont like it. plus some other stuff but im not going to explain that any more than i already have.
anyway. gotta make do with what i got ig.
sorry for bitching. i just had to get it off of my chest.
maybe i should get a therapist.
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I also dislike how corporatism and capitalism has en-shittified everything :( But I feel better knowing we can be the change :) we can keep this culture alive!!!
i totally agree with you, i also hate social media and the way everything comes and goes so fast:( fashion, music, movies, etc... and i think its completely okay to keep complaining abt it!
omg im so glad someone agrees with me thank u so much 🙏
by Radioactive Lead Poisoning; ; Report