i was at this event with multiple different schools yesterday and when i was about to head home with my friends this girl came over and complimented my hair. they actually complimented me earlier about it from afar but i pretended not to hear them cus i hate attention but she came up to me when i was about to leave and asked if i she could get my ig. idk if it was because i was nonchalant and mysterious or wtv but i told her i didn't have one(i do). and then she asked if i had anything she could add me on and for some reason i said twitter(i don't use twitter) so i knew i was screwed in this lie so i told her i didn't have it after i just told her i did. she walked back to her friends smiling but as soon as she turned around to leave all my friends started giggling and i just feel really bad for her. if it was me getting rejected and everyone laughed at me as i was walking away i would be so embarrassed and i don't even know why i didn't give out my actual socials. as i was driving home i felt rly bad so me and another friend of mine spent 2 hours hunting down their insta and they looked like such a chill person with similar interests. and now i can't follow them because that would be too stalker of me and i already lied about not having insta so idk. chat is it jover chat? and like part of me feels a bit bad that my friends were laughing at them as they were walking away but the part that hurts me is knowing i missed my chance to make a possibly epic friend. i think i'm lonely and have no one to talk to irl. it's so much easier to express myself to strangers online idk why

i feel like shit for being awkward
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