So not too long ago I made rap music (very inspired by Tyler the creators early music) I started posting the songs on to SoundCloud my rap name was Birds_bit, my music got so popular in my area that I even made my own rap group/collective called ATMF (witch was also inspired by early Tyler music and his rap group Odd Future) and obviously my music was violent,Offensive and crude because I was an edgy kid at the time (I still kinda am) and when ATMF released the first album on SoundCloud that was the best moments in my rap career until my old school found out about the SoundCloud and I got in big trouble with my school and bro this was the stupidest thing I ever got in trouble for because if you listened to the music it was clear that it was just edgy teenagers being edgy teenagers. But I just feel like people take life WAYY TO SERIOUSLY nowadays. Should I make more tracks now? Tell me what you think in the comments. Because I love music too much to give up on it just because some fucking idiot told me it was too “vulgar” bro the same guys who called my music “vulgar” are the same ones who re-hired a pedophile because a “teacher shortage” TF. So yeah should I make more tracks.
- z0mb13_sk8er aka Birds_bit
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GET BACK INTO IT! You don't want to end up in some depressing cubicle or 9-5 job. This clearly seems like your passion. Tyler the Creator made the song Tron Cat which is literally so dark. Fuck what other people think, follow your passion.
Thanks I am actually working on an album titled "stalking" idk when its gonna come out cuz I've been focusing on skateboarding more than anything but I think the appropriate time to release the album is on Halloween because of the dark theme of the album also It kind of sounds like shit rn but we all start somewhere
by z0m1b3_sk8er; ; Report