Hello everyone :D Sorry for not being active there for a little while... but I've been doing some thinking. I think I might want to redesign my profile. NOW HOLD ON!! I know that I've probably spent around a year on this layout and like 50-100 hours but I'm lowkey kind of bored now that I have it mostly finished... It feels like I can't go into the code and tweak stuff because I'm so nervous about messing stuff up... This is why I want to start fresh!
I think I want to make it more scene if you know what I mean? Maybe a pink and blue theme with candy, blood n' checkers everywhere?! I think that would be epic >_<!! I'd probably put Beauty Killer or Lollipop Luxury as my profile song!
Don't worry though! I would save my current code somewhere so I could always go back to it if I really wanted to, but I really need a fresh start and a blank canvas.
Thanks for reading my blog and I hope to chat with y'all again soon! PEACE!!!!
-Jaded Jeremy
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Chaos Conspiracies
alot of ppl havent been active & started coming back :p but gud luck with the layout
Yes, I've also noticed that during the past few months ;-; but thank you!!!
by Xx_JadedJeremy_xX; ; Report