★ THE ARRIVAL: Here's a play-by-play of how ♡M's party went! I got all dolled up, and headed over to the clubhouse. Yeah, a clubhouse. Fancy-smancy!! ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ Although I was 10 minutes late or so, there was still people continually arriving. Most of them where ♡M''s family members, so I just found a spot with all the other kids.
Some of these kids went to my school, but I wasn't very close with any of them. (〒﹏〒) I'll list them, but it doesn't really matter to you, LOL. There was ☆M, a senior who I barely had a mutual with who was super fun; ☆EG, my grade and a ball of complete sunshine; ☆P and her boyfriend who were pretty quiet all night; ☆E, another girl my grade who mostly stuck with her boyfriend as well; ☆R, my buddy through most of this night, he's pretty legit; ☆K, one of ♡M's family friends who was also pretty legit!
The only person who I was really, really not excited to see was M■■. It's really one-sided, but I can't stand her. Not a lot of people can. Luckily, she felt the vibe that nobody really liked her there and left like 30 minutes in X_X.
★ FUN THRU THE NITE: The entire night felt like if you were at a school dance except the only people there were your friend group. We had a blast bruh!! I'm a terrible ass dancer but I was out there on the dance floor no matter what!!! ☆K, ☆E, ♡M, ☆M and ☆EG are a legitimately great dancers. So like, 99% of the people there.
☆EG gave a seriously good speech for ♡M, sobbing for most of it (valid), and ♡M, who is a pro-Polynesian dancer BTW, gave us a mini performance! It was rad!
☆R wasn't aware of the dress code and showed up late and really under dressed, which we bullied him for for the rest of the night as nice people do, of course (0v0)
There was a the big, black, bald DJ named Chris there who looked a little threatening but literally joined our mini dance party!!! Shout-out Chris >:)
★ PARTY OVER!: My feet hurt like fucking crazy, but I still stayed back afterwards to help clean up. It was the least I could do. After that was the sore ride home, and now I'm, y'know, writing about it! Seriously missed ♡M a lot so I'm glad I got to spend some time with her and the other folks. But for now, I'm going to sleep. -.-
- KB ☆
SONG OF THE DAY! https://open.spotify.com/track/3SeDS5sSoWnwAZvVgkdKzf?si=0797e6c77d3d496d
(Better in the Dark ft. Jordana- TV Girl)
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