sat 09/21/24
This weeks been okay, schools been chill and fun! though i got really sick, i went to the doctors on tuesday and now i have asthma, and the meds i take for it make me extremely dizzy and shaky... not fun,, it makes me not be able to focus on school :(( asides that, i took advantage of spirit week to dress normally (very fun) and i made a cool friend and i have been mentally better. though it might fall due to miissing multiple important tests and assignments, and the struggle of not having any motivation for it.
ALLSSOOO i found a baby lizard in my house on wednesday, its so cute
i love using this website when i dont want to write on my physical journal
lil life bucketlist: things i wanna do before i go to forever sleep
(these are the only i can think of for rn, i have a headache)
★ - see the northern lights
★ - live in a lil forest or countryside
★ - go to 10 concerts
★ - achieve being multilingual
★ - see pretty nature in iceland
★ - walk through a forest again (i miss this so bad)
★ - see snow for the first time ^_^
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Chaos Conspiracies
i never been at a concert ._.
me 2
by 𝕰𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖘 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊; ; Report