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Student profile

-Life in UTRGV as a BECHS student

     Life in UTRGV as a BECHS student is extremely interesting and different. For the most part, I think it's super fun! The open campus gives me so much freedom to go get stuff to eat, hang out with my friends and so much more! Not to mention I have more free time than ever and as a junior, I feel like that's super important. In the mornings I get to school, check into BECHS, then I head over to UTRGV and maybe if I feel hungry and have enough time, I go over to McDonald's and get myself some breakfast. But it's not all just about the fun I of course still pay attention in my classes, complete and submit all my homework on time, and still attend my AVID classes. All these freedoms are getting me used to college life, which will be useful in the near future! Speaking of college would you like to know my schedule? Well I have English which is in the Health Sciences building, Biology which is in Sebal Hall, and History which is also in Sebal Hall. These classes helped me to make new friends too! Overall the UTRGV life as a BECHS student is AMAZING and I love going to the UTRGV campus. The freedoms, classes, and people all combine to make it an awesome experiance.

-What I strive to be

     When I was asked "What do you want to do when you finish college" by some friends I told them that I wanted to be an aerospace engineer. I always thought the idea of flight was so cool and I'm also pretty good at math so it would be perfect! Also, Id love to design my own helicopter one day it looks so fun and challenging but I just know I could take on any challenge I'm faced with. Id also love to get my master's degree in aerospace engineering and work at being. I also really like to teach others about the things I love. Just the other day I was helping my friend out with some math problems. However, sometimes I still find myself doubting my abilities, that's why Im so grateful to have such nice and supportive friends by my side. They always help me get through the little slumps in my journey whenever I might need them. I want to be a hardworking person who likes to help others and who wouldn't want to work a job that pays a lot of money LOL!

-Me in English

English isn't exactly my strongest suit I have a hard time retaining information even if have already read it multiple times. How are people able to understand that stuff so quickly anyway? sometimes I wish I could do that! I would have loved it if I had been born with a talent for reading it would have made so much of my life much easier. While reading may not be my strongest suit I'm still a very strong writer, yes there may be some room for improvement but for the most part, I like to believe that my writing abilities are beyond satisfactory for what I need to do. Although I may not be the best comprehensive reader in the world I still like to read every now and then in my spare time. My favorite types of books are fantasy books about knights wizards and things of that variety. Additionally, I love to write too, I actually like to keep a journal to write funny or other types of stories based on random topics or real-life events. I found that it also helps me refine my ability to write essays which may explain why I am very good at writing. Who knows maybe one day I could write a book! 

-My beliefs goals and hobbies

     I do not follow any specific religious beliefs but instead, I think people are responsible for their own actions and behavior. My biggest belief Is in the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. There is never a reason to begin treating someone with hostility that gets you nowhere! Two of my biggest goals are to get a master's degree in aerospace engineering and to design my own helicopter. I would love to be able to have a master's degree in engineering because so many places where I want to work require that and also I would love to learn more about this topic because it is something I have been extremely passionate about ever since I was young. Speaking of when I was young it has always been my dream to drive a helicopter and when I got older i thought "Man it would be so cool if I could design my own helicopter" and since that day I have set myself the goal to learn aerospace engineering and design my own helicopter and drive it. I am fully ready to get that degree and start designing it all starts as soon as I graduate from BECHS!! As for hobbies I love to play Roblox, read, write, cook, bake and draw. Cooking has always been a small passion of mine, whenever I feel down I start cooking and I forget all about it It's great! The same thing goes for making I don't know what it is maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment I get from eating the things I make and realizing how good I am at cooking and baking. Not to mention I love to draw on my phone it lets me express myself in a way that words just cant let me do it is genuinely amazing and fun! The colors and shapes I make have way more emotion than any poem, essay, or diary could ever have and also I just love drawing. As for reading, I see it as a window to another fictional world and seeing how the characters interact with each other and unravel a story. The thrill of trying to predict the ending and finding out the true answer is like no other and it gives me such a nice rush! It also helps me to enlarge my vocabulary and refine my grammar and writing skills its the perfect pastime!

2 Kudos


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