th1s l1l guy br1ngs m3 j0y 1n l1f3 but 1m sad 1 l3ft my ph0n3 on th3 bus 1 was laugh1ng and 1 l3ft my ph0n3 0n th3 s3at and 1 d0nt g0 back t1ll tusd4y X(

my ph0n3 X(
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th1s l1l guy br1ngs m3 j0y 1n l1f3 but 1m sad 1 l3ft my ph0n3 on th3 bus 1 was laugh1ng and 1 l3ft my ph0n3 0n th3 s3at and 1 d0nt g0 back t1ll tusd4y X(
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