i’ve recently watched the movie idiocracy for the first time. it was kinda trash tho, the acting was mediocre, so were the dialogues and the story. the best thing was the whole world of the film and i think a better director should take the idea behind idiocracy and make a better movie about the topic, cause i think that may be our future - a future full of dumbasses. i even think our idiocracy is just starting and i can see it happening by observing what people put on social medias like tiktok or instagram. people are getting dumber and they will be even more dumb as time goes on. people won’t be as dumb as in the movie (i really hope so), but it’s gonna be similar.
i’m curious about what you think. if you watched the movie, or have an idea of what it’s about, tell me, do you think that our children and grandchildren will come out as dumbshits? what’s your vision of our future?
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the dystopian world that idiocracy displays feels similar to our real world, at least to me. seeing hungry and homeless has become a common yet unfortunate sight where i live. there is also so so much worse going on in the world that we have no idea is happening tbh, even if you keep up with the news you might miss out on important stuff depending on who you listen or read. everything is becoming expensive, global crises arise often, and jobs are hard to fill (in some areas.)
i cant really tell how our future will look, but if I had to guess we might be living in an war-torn planet, where the powerful are safe and healthy, and the majority of people are not... i hope that it doesn't come to this. im sure if most people were educated and healthy, this might not happen because a lot of people could come together to stop this from happening (public disdain and denial.)
with that being said, i hope that future generations will be educated. and if not, well theres only so much i can do about that. :)
about education: every person should know the basics, such as how to read, write, count and know the most essential facts that there are. but i think that not every person in the world should have higher education, because if everyone has it, there won’t be people, that would want a standard, easy to partake and undemanding job, such as shop cashiers. these don’t require education, and everyone needs to go grocery shopping. non inteligent people are important too, there just needs to be balance between the smart and the „not too smart”. everything in our world needs balance
by Gilo Tyna; ; Report