Haii every1!!!
So srry 4 not blogging the last few days :((
Although honestly nothing rlly interesting has happened the past few days
AND I knew I said in my bulletin the next blog would b abt the concert last week but I felt I rlly needed 2 post smth cuz it's been a week BUT I pinky swear my next 1 is gonna abt the concert (I'm gonna try 2 upload it later 2day!!)
ANYWAYS this blog is just gonna b a ramble abt stuff that happened this past week
1st of all I got a 94% on my electrical test (yay!) and I did another test yesterday blehhh (test every Friday kinda sucks but we don't get homework on the weekends cuz of it)
Had our school's Terry Fox walk (Canadians iykyk) which was like an hour long and I got sweaty cuz of it -_-
And lastly 1 of my friends from drama last year is in the same gym class as me and for majority of the class we kept talking abt Splatoon 3 (which is an old fixation of mine) and it actually convinved/motivated me 2 redownload it and relearn how 2 play and actually play with some1 else yayyy
Next I wanna talk abt my bf cuz it's??
Pretty sure the "honeymoon phase" of the relationship ended cuz we don't text as often
Not gonna overthink it cuz we got our own lives to tend 2 and we have a 7hr time diff
He hasn't been able 2 text as much cuz he's busy which I totally understand
But last weekend when I tried 2 text him cuz we were more free at the time he took a while 2 respond
Didn't rlly care 2 much cuz I was @ the concert but the only reason he didn't text often on the weekend was cuz he was basically drunk from parties the whole time
And when I tried 2 text him this past week it didn't last long cuz he'd be tired from his day and go 2 sleep not 2 long after our convo starts
But idrc abt it (4 now) and as long as he isn't purposefully ignoring me then it's whatever
But yeaaa stay tuned 4 the concert pics/experience post l8r <33

A week later... whoops!
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I´ll definitly stay tunned!! and congrats for your test! XD and yeeeyy splatooon!!
tysm!! :D
by HappyTinyCat; ; Report