a simple poem with a big impact (hopefully)


Is it smart

To want to be here

Just to face my fear

Just to be here

Because I want to be able say


I am smart.

So... poem meaning? (Your interpretation first, but anyway, here's my two cents.)

I don't use a lot of words- in fact, there are around 17 unique words in this poem. Which sounds like a lot but it really isn't, since most of those are just like is and it. But I think that's part of what I helps this poem mean something- it's not trying to be super meaningful or secretive or talk about a deeper meaning in webs of metaphor or descriptions. It's not word-stuffed like something by Elizabeth Bishop. It's a simple little poem with a simple little idea in mind.

I really was thinking of a friend of mine when writing this. They aren't that smart, but, they tried their damndest in every test, in all the times. They didn't like school a lot, but they still went- and I found that pretty admirable. I really wanted to convey what their thoughts might've been like- what could be their doubt sound like? And I relate to my own words, here too. I don't like school a lot. It's noisy, and I'm pretty scared of getting things wrong. Sometimes it, honestly can feel be scared.

But then I find myself desperate to prove myself to people, when in reality, I do, as the poem says, want to be able to say "I am smart." I'm sure some will take this as a reason to live- prove those around you wrong, and I definetly had that in mind writing it too. I know this poem isn't exactly complex, or hard to figure out. But I think that's why I like it. A five year old could read this and know what it meant, or at least read it. I can definetly make poems with a lot of unnessecary words and nonsense and I think sometimes I should stick to what I can also try-

Poems that could be universal. I love Hatsune Miku for that reason. As a vocaloid, she could sing any language. How to communicate ideas across several languages, or with a vocabulary a learner of a language could know, has always fascinated me, and I know this crops up in my word poem from yesterday. I wish the entire world would be able to read my words, because I think everyone has something to learn. I certaintly do!

Well, that's my yap and poem done. o/

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