if you know me, you might be aware that i consider myself to be non binary, and i don't like using labels to describe my sexuality.
i think that many different sexuality and gender labels can be an useful tool for someone who wants to figure out who they are, but in my opinion you shouldn't condition your whole life to a category made of some word, a either really loose or really specific definition for it and a bunch of colored lines that we call "flag"
i myself used to have complex labels for my gender and sexuality so that i could explain more easily what i feel, but due to the fact that i've identified with so many different things, i've chosen to not label myself anymore. obviously your gender and who you are/aren't attracted to isn't a choice, but what you choose to call yourself definetly is.
again in my opinion, i don't really care what someone wants to call themself (even if i don't agree with it) as long as it's not erasing the original definition for it: words have meanings so no, "bi lesbian" isn't a thing.
honestly i don't see the point in labels like pansexual and especially polysexual and omnisexual when bisexuality is a thing, and it puts me off even more when all the arguments they use to back them up are transphobic ("bisexuals don't like trans/non binary people, pansexuals do"), but i wouldn't say that i am against them because they really aren't harming anyone, they just want to explain their attraction more accurately.
i also think that there are three gender categories: man, woman and non binary (or whatever you prefer to call it: agender, genderqueer... etc, it doesn't make that much of a difference to me), but obviously since gender is a very complex subject and things aren't black or white, there are many different ways to be non binary, this is where all those "weird" gender labels fit into. honestly i think that the division between genderqueer, non binary and agender is pointless, to me they are the exact same thing it's just that some people prefer one term over the other for whatever reason. for example lots of people don't like "non binary" because they feel like it's creating a new binary, and that's a completely valid feeling so they prefer to be called other terms instead.
i call myself non binary because that's really all i want people to know, that i'm not a man or a woman. i don't care enough to overthink if i'm genderqueer or neutrois or agender or whatever, i'm a person and that's it. on the internet you'll see lots of people discussing many different LGBT+ topics, but i became aware that something as personal and as depending on culture/context as your personal identity literally doesn't matter in real life. the only time you'll see someone arguing with a stranger about the validity of shit like "demigenderflux" is on the internet. and while yes there are internal problems in the LGBT+ community i think that we as a collective should be focusing more on bigger threats for us because it's not like we don't have bigger problems than someone having like 500000 genders clearly just for attention, they usually grow out of it anyways so it's nobody's business in my opinion.
so to sum it all up, i don't like labeling my gender and sexuality because it feels restricting to me and i'm more than just a flag, but i understand that this is a personal choice so i know that there are some people who prefer to use these labels as a tool to easily explain who they are, and it's okay because the human species has such a wide range of diversity regarding multiple spectrums.
i also hope all of this doesn't come off as hateful, although i'm aware that some things i've said may upset some people i just want to clarify that my way of life is "live and let live", so i don't care what someone does with their life as long as it isn't directly or indirectly harming others, even if i personally don't agree with it.
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bi lesbians r a thing. liek when ur sexually only attracted 2 girls but ur biromantic or sumthin. or the other way round. there is always an explanation 4 why sum1 would use a label 4 themself so just bcuz u dont get it doesnt mean its fake or stupid
"bi lesbianism" frases actual lesbianism. if you like men you're not a lesbian, words have meanings.
I thought this was common sense
by alex !! 💫🦈; ; Report
did u even read my comment or did u just ignore when i explained how thats exactly why that doesnt work...
by xX_J4C0_J4WBR34K3R_Xx; ; Report
I agree labels are more divisive than anything, I kind of went thru the same thing of micro labeling my identity in detail (i even coined my own term back in the day ToT) and now just saying i'm a nonbinary a-spec lesbian. I personally believe gender is more of a spectrum instead of 3 categories, and honestly so is sexuality lol! I do have an appreciation for microlabels because they did help me sort out my gender when I was still figuring it out- until I realized it didn't entirely matter and my gender is just a weird amorphous whateverness. They also helped a lot with my asexuality and aromanticism. From an anthropological point of veiw, microlabels are honestly pretty cool- people needed words to describe what they felt, so they just made them up and I think that's awesome. The problem started happening when people began to turn them into boxes for themselves. Now they're often just a distraction from the real problems facing the community.
I agree that gender and sexuality are a spectrum to some level, not everyone experiences them the same way but ultimately that spectrum can be divided into different parts (just like how non binary is an umbrella term for anything that isn't man or woman), but again I think that these distinctions aren't that relevant in real life, I also think that all these labels can become divisive
by alex !! 💫🦈; ; Report
i find theyre divisive, the more labels we put on ourselves the more we're dividing ourselves into 'ares' and 'are nots'.
i think people get so caught up in trying to discover themselves they end up with all these labels, but thats not discovery, thats boxing yourself in.
i tried for years to put a label on my sexuality. gay, bi, straight, bi again, gay again. it was counter productive , then truley started self discovery and realised a label wouldnt help me find myself. i am who i am, i like who i like.
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